Blue-skinned Kree

The Blue-skinned, or commonly just Blue, are one of the two major ethnic groups of Kree. 

Originally, all Kree were blue skinned. Over time, Kree with 'pink' skin began to appear, and this mutation proved to be more heritable than blue skin, leading to Blues to gradually become a minority.

Although most Kree have accepted this as a simple matter of genetic shift over time, and regard the differences between the two groups as purely cosmetic, a passionate (and freqently violent) Blue supremecy movement exists. While it was not their primary reason for splitting from the Imperium, the Sons of Koth were openly sympathetic to the Blue supremecist movement. This was likely due to the prevelence of Blue families in the Accuser Corps. 

Genetic study has shown that all Kree carry the gene for blue skin, however if a Kree also has the pink skinned gene, it will always override the blue gene, leading to the freqency with which Pink-skinned Kree became the new norm.

Encompassed species
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See Also
Ronan the Accuser 