Power Conductors

Power conductors are pairs of linked portals designed to channel energy from one place to another.

They were originally created by the Hodinn for use in mining. They are based on Shi'ar Warpgates, miniturised and calibrated to transport energy rather than matter. The intention was to reduce costs and increase safety in mines, as the energy from a single explosive could be split between mutiple sites within a mine.

They were quickly adopted by the Shi'ar for use in warfare. Due to their small size and lack of explosive components, they could be placed on enemy ships or encampments by spies with little risk of detection, and controlled detonations set off within Shi'ar space channelled via the power conductors to their target.

When Carol Danvers used power conductors to channel her energy powers to destroy the Supreme Intelligence LIX, it recreated the conditions of accident and gave Genis-Vell similar powers to Carol's.
The Hodinn
Item type