President of New Attilan

Following the removal of the monarchy, the President is the head of state of New Attilan. 


In order to stand for election as President, a candidate must be over 18 and a citizen of New Attilan.

Although a subject of considerable controvesy, especially among Attilanians, there is no requirement for a candidate to have undergone Terrigenesis or even to be Inhuman


They are elected by popular vote. As New Attilian has no political parties, candidates are elected entirely on their own policies and personality, rather than on party lines.


The office of the President is the executive branch of the government of New Attilan, responsible for enforcing the law.

In addition, they perform part of the role that would normally fall to the judiciary, judging (or appointing representatives to judge) petitions, which are the equivilent of civil cases.


Managing the Security Forces, setting and managing rules and targets in relation to immigration, managing matters of national security. The President has responsibility for appointing heads of internal bodies such as the Security Force, Engineering Corps etc. In cases of emergency, responsibility for directing and co-ordinating the response ultimately falls to the President.

The President acts as liaison with Avengers Idea Mechanics and foreign governments, especially the State government of Hawai'i, the nearest inhabited land.

Their judicial responsibilities include hearing and judging petitions from the people of the Island.


While New Attilan has a currency, it is organised on collectivist lines, and the currency is used primarily for trading with the outside world. As such, the office of President is not paid, but the President may use State funds for reasonable expenses, such as paying for accomodation and food when traveling on official business.

A apartment is provided to the President, but it is not grand, and the food allocated to them is the same as to all other adult citizens.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

A President can be removed from office by calling a referendum of the people. Otherwise they serve until their term is complete. There is no limit on how many times a President can stand for re-election, however they cannot serve two consecutive terms in office.
Civic, Political
Created by the Constitution of New Attilan in 2017
Form of Address
Madam / Mister President
Source of Authority
Mandate of the people
Length of Term
4 Years
First Holder
Current Holders
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