Xiaoyi Chen

President Xiaoyi Chen (a.k.a. Iso)

Chen Xiaoyi, aso known as Iso, is a chinese-Providincian NuHuman, and the first elected President of New Attilan.

After undergoing Terrigenesis she was picked up by the Reader and taken to the Ennilux Corporation in Venice.

She was earmarked as the new host-body for the Capo, but the Reader, feeling guilty about the fate he had condemned her to, helped her to escape and reach New Attilan. When Ennilux tried to retrieve her, they were driven back by the Inhuman Royal Family and New Attilan Security Force.

Grateful for the assistance, she joined the Royals in battling first Maximus the Mad and later Lineage.

After Lineage was defeated, she joined the Island's construction and engineering corpse and acted as one of the advisors to Queen Medusa, as well as working with the Agon Inhuman Outreach Programme in their attempts reduce the threat posed by the Advanced Threat Containment Unit.

When the monachy was formally abolished, she was elected as the first President of New Attilan.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Blue markings on her face and arms, which glow when she is utilising her abilities.

Special abilities

Chen is an extremely powerful Pressure Manipulator.

Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Currently Held Titles
Current Residence
Known Languages
Chinese (native), English (fluent), Attilanian (fluent), Hawai'ian (fluent), Spanish (fluent)