
Shuma-Gorath (a.k.a. All-killer of the Dawn | Conqueror of Midnight | Devourer God of the Eternal Ever-Was | He Who Sleeps But Shall Be Awake | The Unclosing Eye)

The most power, and therefor defactor leader, of the Many-Angled Ones.

He has twice tried to lead his kind to invade Earth. The first time, Agamotto used the Wings of Needless Sorrow to trap the Many-Angled Ones in the Outer Darkness.

When the walls of Outer Darkness weakened, allowing Suma-Gorath to escape, Stephen Strange used to wings to sepperate Outer Darkness from the Winding Way, cutting off any path for future escape.
Current Location
Magical scholars usually default to He/Him, although Many-Angled Ones do not have a concept of gender or sex
Ruled Locations