Outer Darkness

The Outer Darkness is one of the Splinter Realms. It was previously located at the opposite end of the Winding Way from the Dark Dimension, at the furthest point from Earth. 

It was created by Agamotto when he used the Wings of Needless Sorrow to shatter Subwhere into the Archipeligo of Anguish and Redemption in order to damage the power-base of the Many-Angled Ones, and prevent them from attacking Earth. The Many-Angled Ones were then sealed within the Outer Darkness.

In 2016, Shuma-Gorath escaped the Outer Darkness and launched an attack on Earth. Stephen Strange used the Wings of Needless Sorrow to push him back to the Outer Darkness, and then severed the dimensions connection to the Winding Way, permanently sealing its inhabitants inside with no means of escape.

Dimensional plane
Characters in Location
Inhabiting Species