Winding Way

The Winding Way, sometimes called with Winding Path (not to be confused with the Central European magical tradition of the same name), is a dimensional tunnel which connects the Splinter Realms of the Archipelago of Anguish and Redemption to one another.

The only Splinter Realm cut off from the Winding Way is the Outer Darkness, as its connection was severred by Stephen Strange using the Wings of Needless Sorrow in order to prevent the Many-Angled Ones from attacking Earth.

It is possible to access the Winding Way directly, as Asgardian magic users tradtionally have, but magic users from Earth usually access it via the Dark Dimension, as the Dark Dimension is easily accessible from Earth.

The Winding Way contains an archipeligo of islands, the Tapestry Islands, which float in the otherwise empty void of the Winding Way.

Alternative Name(s)
The Winding Path | The Road Ever Winding
Dimensional plane
Included Locations

Articles under Winding Way