Wings of Needless Sorrow

TheĀ  object known as the Wings of Needless Sorrow is a magical artefact of immense power.

It was used by Agamotto to shatter Subwhere into the Archipelago of Anguish and Redemption in order to prevent the invasion of Earth by Shuma-Gorath.

When the Many-Angled Ones again threatened Earth, Stephen Strange used the Wings to seal off the Outer Darkness from the rest of the Splinter Realms, trapping the Many-Angled Ones.

The power of the Wings is such that any normal mortal attempting to use them would be burned up. Stephen Strange was able to use them only after becoming Sorceror Supreme, allowing him to draw on external sources of magic.


There are two possible origins found in magical writings on the Wings.

The first is that they were created by the Many-Angled Ones themsevles, using the wings of a god they had killed, and were given to Agamotto by his mother, Oshtur. The second is that they were created by Agamotto himself out of his own tears after the death of his wife.

However he obtained them, when Shuma-Gorath threatened Earth, Agamotto used the power of the Wings to shatter Subwhere into the Splinter Realms, removing the Many-Angled Ones' power base.

Agamotto then gave the Wings to Viliven, Seamstress-Queen of the Winding Way (and according to some stories, his deceased wife ressurected) for safekeeping, charging her to give it up only to someone worthy to be his successor.

When Shuma-Gorath threatened Earth, Clea guided Stephen Strange to the Winding Way. He was deemed worthy, due to his willingness to sacrifice himself to protect his people, and Viliven gave the Wings to him.

By using the power of the Sorceror Supreme, Strange was able to push back Shuma-Gorath to the Outer Darkness, the realm they had inhabitted since the fracturing of Subwhere. He then cut off the Outer Darkness from the Winding Way, trapping its inhabitants inside.

After the defeat of Shuma-Gorath, Strange gave the Wings to Clea.

Agamotto (debated) Many-Angled Ones (debated)
Item type
Unique Artifact
Creation Date
Approx. 25,000 BCE
Current Holder