Sisterhood of the Badoon

The Sisterhood is one of the two factions of the Badoon, the other being the Brotherhood.

The two sexes of Badoon live entirely independantly of one another, coming together only to mate. The Sisterhood is the faction made up of the female members of the species.

Although the Sisterhood has a Queen, the position is largely ceremonial, and their society is organised along collectivist principles. They control a small number of planets, primarily in the Capella Star-System.

Prior to the Second Gender War, the Sisterhood were subjugated to the Brotherhood. Since their sepperation, the Sisterhood holds more power, as they control Lotaria, the sacred homeworld of the Badoon.


Sisterhood-controlled Space is an area consisting of seven planets, all but one of them located within their native star-system.


The Badoon are considered an ethno-religious group by Kree sociologists. Little is known about their religious beliefs, as it is a closed practise, but it is known that they consider the swamps of Lotatia to be sacred.

Foreign Relations

The Sisterhood are secretive and somewhat isolationist. However, as they control planets outside their native star-system they are considered a Galactic Power, and are therefore invited to Intergalactic Summits, though they usually decline.
Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Transnational government
Subsidiary Organizations