
The Badoon are a reptilian sapient species, native to the star-system Capella.

They are believed to be one of the oldest extant species in the galaxy, confirmed by several members of the Elders of the Universe to predate even the Brood.

They are a binary-gendered sexually dimorphic species, most notable for the fact that the Brotherhood and Sisterhood live on sepperate planets, avoiding one another when possible, and are known to have fought at least two 'Gender Wars' against one another.

There are also a subspecies of Badoon, known as the Moord, or Fifth Caste, who are the result of Kree experimentation, and are analygous to Earth's Inhumans. Unlike their unmutated cousins, the Moord do not practise gender sepperation, and are considered uncivilised by the Brotherhood and Sisterhood as a result.

Basic Information


The Badoon are bipedal hominids. Although broadly similar in form to Humans, they have three fingers and a thumb on their hands, and only two toes.

Their skin is scaled, and they possess forked prehensile tongues. They have two sets of eyelids.

Genetics and Reproduction

Baboon are oviparous, laying fertilised eggs within which the embryo developes after laying. Fertilisation occurs via sexual intercourse.

They have an oestrous cycle, and both females and males will periodically go into heat. During this time they are sent to the swamps of Lotaria, considered sacred to their gods, in order to breed. This is the one time in most Badoon's lives that they are capable of being around members of the other sex without experiencing revulsion or violent urges.

After the eggs have been laid, they are scanned to detirmine the sex of the embryo, and male eggs are sent to the Brotherhood's homeworld of Moord, while females return to the Sisterhood with female eggs.

The Brotherhood are known to be able to interbreed with the Centaurians, and a distinct subculture of Badoon-Centaurian Hybrids exists, largely on the former outer limits of the Empire. This is unknown if this also applies to the Sisterhood. This has been the subject of extensive study, especially by Kree scientists, as it is considered one of the primary counter-arguments to the Progenitor Theory.

Ecology and Habitats

Native to swamp planets, Badoon require heat and a high humidity atmosphere in which to thrive, and are incapable of visiting desert or ice planets without protective gear.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Both the Brotherhood and Sisterhood are monarchies, however while the Brother Royal is an absolute ruler, the Queen's power is largely ceremonial and religious, with the wider Sisterhood culture opperating on collectivist egalitarian principles.

Both titles pass down bloodlines, but assassination and wars of succession are common amongst the brotherhood.

It is notable that the two monarchies are not related, tracking their bloodlines entirely independantly of one another.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Brotherhood once controlled a large empire, constituting 37.7% of the Milky Way Galaxy. Although this Empire was reduced dramatically following the Second Gender War, when the Sisterhood gained full independence, Badoon can be found throughout the galaxy. Many Badoon spend their lives outside the Empire, returning only to mate.

Following the end of the Second Gender War, the Sisterhood of the Badoon began expanding outside of Lotaria, taking ownership of the entire Capellan system (which includes Zen-Whoberi, formerly the homeworld of the Zehoberei) and even expanding outside their solar system. This area is known as Sisterhood-controlled Space.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Both civilsations have access to faster than light travel. The Brotherhood are known to possessed personal cloaking technology, and use hand-held particle guns called the 'basic weapon'. They are capable of creating Cyborgs, who are created for use as elite troops in war, known as Monster of Badoon.

Bother civilisations are classed as Type II civilizations on the Kardashev scale.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Their native language is simply called Badoon.

Although mutually intelligable, the Brotherhood and Sisterhood's sepperation has resulted in the developement of two distinct dialects.
The Moord speak a creole language which originated in a mixture of Badoon and Kree, and now exists indepenantly.

Common Dress Code

Unless required by others (e.g. when interacting with other Sapients outside the Empire), the Brotherhood typically wear only a loincloth-like garment. In battle they may soak the cloth in an explosive fluid, creating what is known to the wider galaxy as a 'frag-thong'.

The sisterhood keep to a strict code of modesty in dress, favouring loose, skirted, clothes, and typically covering themselves from neck to ankles.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The Badoon worship a pantheon known as the 'Swamp Gods'. Their faith is an ethno-religious closed tradition, so little is know about these gods or their worship, although it is known that the Brotherhood and Sisterhood follow the same religion.

They believe in creatures called Barthak, usually translated as swamp demons, who can possess or curse people. It is unknown if this belief is part of their religious practise, or a parrallel superstition.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Pets are very important in Badoon culture, and even the most war-like of the Brotherhood will treat animals with gentleness and respect, frequently treating pets far better than they would Sapients.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Prior to the destruction of the Zehoberei, the Sisterhood maintained a trading relationship with them. They are regarded as diplomats, and their interactions with other races has been largely peaceful.

The Brotherhood are widely despised by other races, especially within the Milky War, because of the brutality of their wars of conquest.

The Moord are part of the Universal Inhuman alliance, and maintain close ties with all other Kree-mutated species.

Home Galaxy
Milky Way
Home System(s)
Home Planet(s)
Genetic Descendants
120-150 years
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Average Height
5'6" - 6'0"
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Green, ranging in tone from khaki to emerald.

Articles under Badoon