
The Savage Land Smildon (Antarcticus Similus Felix Smildon) are a type of saber-toothed cat native to the Savage Land. In line with the current naming convention for Savage Land species, they are named for a genus of existinct cats which lived in the Americas during the pleistocene, due to the close resemblance between the two species.

As with many other Savage Land species, Savage Land Smilodon are larger than true Smilodons, standing at around 127-140 cm and weighing an average of 491 kg.

They are one of many animal species to have been mutated into Beast-Men, with Ka-Zar's Tribe being descended from Smilodon.

Basic Information


The Savage Land Smilodon resembles fossils of true Smilodon, having a sloped back, raised scapula, short tail, and a broad body and limbs. Like other saber-toothed cats, it has long canines, which protrude from the mouth. The head is broad, with a short muzzle and pronounced sagital crest.

Their fur is golden or orange, usually without markings. Adults have a short mane, similar to that of a young lion.

Genetics and Reproduction

The are mamals, and reproduce sexually.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are obligate carnivores. Observation by a team from Avengers Idea Mechanics suggests their primary food source are lizards and small Savage Land Dinosaurs. They have also been observed catching fish, and hunting larger prey, including Beast-Men.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Smilodon have an extremely sensitive sense of smell, and hearing in a similar range to members of the genus Panthera.

Their eyesight is accute, and are notable for having a similar range of colour vision to humans, which is unusual among large mamalian predators found elsewhere.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Antarcticus Similus Felix Smildon
Savage Land
Average Height
127-140 cm
Average Weight
491 kg
Geographic Distribution
Known Individuals
Ka-Zar (Beast-Man)