
A sub-species of Centaurians, created by Kree Primagen experiments.

On attaining physical maturity, Incentaurians are exposed to Isogen, causing mutations similar to those undergone by Inhumans during terrigenesis. 

Although relations between the Incentaurians and the religious Centaurians have historically been strained, the majority of Incentaurians still live on their homeworld, Centauri IV. 

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Unless they delevope physical mutations during isogenesis, Incentaurians are physically similar to Centaurians.

Most Incentaurians resemble Centaurians, being blue-skinned homonid marsupials, with a red bone-crest (called a tahlei in centaurian) on their heads.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The Incentaurians are a member of the Universal Inhumans. 

Home Galaxy
Milky Way
Home System
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetically engineered by the Kree
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations