
Yirb is the second planet from the sun in the Bek star system, in the Andromeda Galaxy.

Yirb is the home planet of the Yirbek, an FTL-capable civilisation. The Yirb are reknowned warriors, highly sought after as as mercenaries throughout Galaxy.


The planet has a high gravity, 14.71 m/s2. The atmosphere is 76% nitrogen and 23% oxygen, with the remaining 1% made up a various other gasses.

The climate on much of the planet is tropical, which very high humidity. 81% of its surface covered by water.


in 22,983 BCE, it was conquered by the Skrull, remaining part of the Skrullian Empire until the decline of the Empire during the later years of the Kree-Skrull War.

Independance was immediately followed by a war with the Kallusians, with whom Yirbek had long had a military and economic rivalry. The war ended in 2012, when the Yirbek was attacked by the Kree Empire, who accused the Yirb of harbouring Skrull refugees. What followed was a planetary genocide, wiping out 78% of the population. The Empire was officially considered part of the Kree Empire following the massacre, but the Empire took little interest in the planet, and it reverted to independance following the Phalanx Crisis.
Andromeda Galaxy
Star System