Kree Empire

The Kree Empire was an intergalactic empire in the Large Magellanic Cloud galaxy. It lasted for more than 68,000 years, and was considered one of the most powerful political entities in the know universe for much of that time.

It collapsed after the destruction of Supreme Intelligence LIX by Carol Danvers and the future Emperor of the Kree, Genis-Vell, who would go on to found the Kree Imperium.


The Birth of the Empire

The Kree began expanding outside of Hala almost as soon as they had access to Faster than light travel (which was given to the Cotati, the other native sapient species on Hala, by the Skrull, and taken by the Kree at the end fo the Kree-Cotati War). Within a century they controlled all of the Pama System, and quickly expanded into other nearby systems.

The Kree's warlike culture and expansionist ideals quickly brought them into conflict with other galactic powers. Most famously, they encountered the Skrull, who had refused to give them FTL travel technology during their first encounter, and declared war, beginning what is generally accepted to be the longest war in galactic history, the Kree-Skrull War.

As the Empire expanded, multiculturalism and interbreeding with with sapient species became common, especially at the furthest edges of the Empire. A conservative backlash on Hala resulted in a culture of xenophobia and anti-alien racism, and the passing of increasingly disciminatory laws restricting intermarriage, non-Kree culture and religion, and limiting the rights of non-Kree citizens of the Empire.

The Creation of the Supreme Intelligence

At this time, the Kree were ruled by Emperors who had both a political and religious role, holding both executive and legislative power, and acting as the high priest of the Gods of Pama, the Kree pantheon. However atheism had been increasing, and distrust of existing religious power structures lead to a growing anti-monarchy movement.

This came to a head when the Kree lost the Kree-Badoon War. The population of Deneb-IV rebelled against the government on Hala, seeking to establish an themselves as an independant democracy. Emperor Ael-Dan dispatched Null-Trons to put down the rebellion (the first recorded instance of their use, 300 years before they were banned under the Pan-Worlds Treaties), resulting in the obliteration of almost the entire population of the planet.

The brutality of this response lead to a complete breakdown of faith in the government, and the office of Emperor especially. Recognising urgent change was needed to avoid the complete collapse of the Empire, a top-secret program was sent up to create the first Supreme Intelligence.

The idea was that an Artifial Intelligence would be more objective, and less inclined to greed. Of course in practise, the AI reflected the prejudices and attitudes of its creators, but when the Emperor was deposed the following year, support for the Supreme Intelligence was widespread, and served to effectively unite most of the political factions within the splintered Empire.

Over the following decades, the influence of the Supreme Intelligence steadily increased as more and more branches of government were handed over to the Supreme Intelligence's control. Despite some attempts to raise the alarm, faith in the Supreme Intelligence remained extremely high, and as society became increasingly totallitarian, those who tried to fight back began to dissapear, or were found dead.

The fascistic cult of personality surrounding the AI began to develop into the Cult of the Supreme Intelligence (also called Kree Civil Religion) which was the dominant religon of the Empire for more than 2,000 years. Faith in the Supreme Intelligence's omniscience became a cornerstone of the Empire's culture.

Kree-Shi'ar War

During the time of the third Supreme Intelligence, the Kree declared war on the Shi'ar. Later evidence showed that this decision was largely the result of Skrull agents, who had infiltrated high levels of the Kree government.

Using the confusion of the war as cover, a group of Skrull agents in the Kree Navy stole a Shi'ar Nega-Bomb and detonated it on the edge of Kree space, wiping out the populations of two entire planets. This event rocked the Empire, seemingly justifying every racist and xenophobic belief held by Kree society, pushing the culture even further into fascism.

It also lead directly to Nega-bombs being unilaterally banned under the Conventions of Fornax, the first recorded instance of inter-galactic standards for warcrimes being agreed, and one of the only instances since the Kree first gained FTL travel of the Kree and Skrull Empires colaborating.

Supreme Commander Nenora

Arguably the most successful spy in Skrull history was Nenora, who infiltrated the Kree Science Council during the time of the fourth Supreme Intelligence. They eventually chose to become the Supreme Commander of the council, but once appointed found they enjoyed the lavish lifestyle so much they changed their alliegance.

Using their inside knowledge of the Skrull military, they executed a series of incredibly successful military campaigns, the highest number of successive Kree victories in the Kree-Skrull war until the destructions of Tarnax-IV by the World-Eater.

This military success was brought to an end when Shalla-bal, the Empress of Zenn-La, who was a prisoner of war on Hala at the time, revealled Nenora's true identity.

Although she was executed, despite her loyalty to the Kree Empire, her military prowess made her hugely popular in both the Kree and Skrull Empires. Her death marked the beginning of a period of relative magnanimity - although the war continued, many of the racist attitudes of earlier eras fell out of favour, and in fact the Kree General Huran was awarded a posthumous medal of valour by the Skrull Emperor for his valiant service against the Skrulls.

The Skyspears

Approximately 5,500 years ago, mysterious objects dubbed Skyspears landed on five plannets around the universe - Earth, Kymellia, Centauri-IV, Wraithworld, and Moord.

The Science Council dispatched teams to the five planets, where they found that the Skyspears contained an unknown mutagenic material called Primagen.

Super-Soldier experiments were begun on the five planets, which would eventually result in the creation of the Universal Inhumans. On Kymellia, Wraithworld, and Moord, the experiments were eventually abandonned when the supplies of Primagen ran out. However on Centauri-IV and Earth, their prototype super-soldiers (the Incentaurians and Inhumans, respectively) rose up and killed or drove off the science teams.

Victory in the Kree-Skrull War

During the reign of Skrull Empress R'Kill, peace talks were begun with Supreme Intelligence LVIII. However, before any formal treaty could be drawn up, the Skrull throneworld Tarnax-IV was targetted by the World-Eater, killing the entire Skrull royal family and the Kree General Law-Vell (brother of the famous scientist Mar-Vell) who was on Tarnax for the peace negotiations.

The death of the entire royal family, and most of the senior government officials, lead to the Skrull Civil War. Although the war eventually ended with the tallented military commander S'byll being crowned Empress, even her tactical genius was not sufficient to combat the Kree, who pressed the advantage. One by one, the Skrull worlds fell, until finally S'byll herself was killed during the Kree invasion of Satriani.

Although Skrull refugee and diaspora communities remained, with the fall of the Skrull homeworld, Skrullos, the Kree celebrated their final victory in the longest war in history.

The End of the Kree-Nova War

The Kree-Nova War began in the time of Supreme Intelligence LVII, and lasted almost a thousand years.

Although there were some periods of active warfar, especially towards the end of the war, it was primarily a cold-war, characterised by the stockpiling of weapons, and a number of smaller proxy-wars fought between allies of two galactic powers.

After a series of losses, Supreme Intelligence LIX chose to sue for peace. Although this was a cease-fire and subsequence treaty, rather than a surrender, it was hugely unpopular in the Empire. Coming relatively soon after the Kree victory in the Kree-Skrull war, belief that the Kree could have won the war against the Nova Empire was widespread.

Growing Blue-Pink tensions within the Empire also played a part in this, with many Blue-supremecists blaming the surrender on the influence of Pink-skinned Kree in high levels of the military and government.

The Supreme Accuser, Ronan, was so enraged by the treaty that he defected from the Emperor, joining Thanos's Armies , and trying to use the Power Stone to destroy Xandar.

The Fall of the Empire

The growing anti-Supreme Intelligence movement was further bolstered by Ronan's defection, though in most cases it was the fact that an open Blue-supremecist had been allowed to rise so high in the Empire which was the source of their discontent, rather than the fact that he had defected.

They were joined by Carol Danvers, who had been brainwashed by the Supreme Intelligence into believing she was a Kree Super-soldier and a member of Starforce. Danvers' primary ally in her war against the Supreme Intelligence was Genis-Vell, the son of Danvers former mentor, Mar-Vell.

In 2014, after many years of planning, they succeeded in destroying the Database, which housed the Supreme Intelligence's physical systems.

Although it would be another eight months before Genis-Vell was crowned Emperor of the Kree, officially beginning the Kree Imperium, the Empire is generally accepted to have ended with the destruction of the Supreme Intelligence.

~66,000 BCE - 2015 CE

Geopolitical, Empire
Successor Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Transnational government
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Species

Articles under Kree Empire