Kree-Skrull War

The Kree-Skrull war is widely believed to be the longest war in the history of the universe, lasting nearly 60,000 years.

Some historians have argued that it is better understood as a series of loosely connected military conflicts, since it covers all four Skrull Empires, and multiple distinct eras of Kree history. However, both the Kree and the Skrull usually consider it to be a single conflict.

The Kree consider the war to have been decisively won, following the destruction of Skrullos and the capture of the Skrull throneworld Satriani. However, the Skrull have never formally surrendered.

Hostilities in the war are currently suspended. Both sides currently lack of an authoritative central government who could reopen hostilities, and the leader of the largest faction of the Kree, Captain Glah-Ree, is currently living on the Skrull planet of Tarnax II, which accepted a large portion of the refugees from the destruction of Hala.

Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Approx 57,000 BCE
Ending Date
1974 CE (Disputed)




