Kensington Silverhand

Bernard’s uncle and his father’s brother is actually one of the people that Bernard trusts the most. He is a vagrand in his own regard, and actually is an assassin for a very secretive guild in Eitsa. He is a cocky and sure man, but he loves to keep the mood light, even when in the middle of an assassination.   He wears simple clothes, primarily green, his favorite color, he looks much lower class than his brother's family, and he prefers it that way.   He broke away from the family before Bernard was even born, and this makes him a great inspiration for Bernard. He looks up to his uncle and keeps in contact with him often.   Spoilers
Kensington broke away when he saw his father break infront of him. He was very little when it happened, but he witnessed Bernard Silverhand II Grandpa in an ancient temple talking to soul-dragon, he saw how his father was heartbroken, how he tried to kill the dragon which only laughed and tormented him as it told him "Your soul was bound long ago to its fate child! Struggling to change your fate will never work!".   Then he saw how Grandpa was banished from the Allsworn Paladins after he tried to repurpose the temple to bring him directly to the Stars and join the Allsworn. He didn't really understand what he was watching, but he knew from then on that he would never follow Silverhand Legacy. So he turned to crime, becoming an assassin as he made a name for himself, though eventually the calling wasn't enough and he felt something stirring for more. He took up residence in the old Lightwood Tower, the first temple to the Allsworn. He has since dedicated himself to learning what it was the Grandpa was so afraid of and why he needed to meet the Allsworn directly.


Bernard Silverhand III


Towards Kensington Silverhand


Kensington Silverhand


Towards Bernard Silverhand III


Ruled Locations

Character Portrait image: by AI


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