

Eitsa is the City of the Gods, a light snow generally falls over the city, shining the roofs and streets. Tall renaissance-esque buildings line the cozy streets along the 3 sap-rivers from the Kva'Trii. The houses and shops are tall with chocolate oaken frame, with brightly painted walls, of blues and reds and greens. Parasols sit along the rapid rivers, and glass windows line the shopping districts for gawkers to peer through the beautiful oaken lined window-sills. The smell of lustrous wood-smoke fills the air shops, while the scent of baked pastries draw hungry workers away from their shifts for "just a bite". Eitsa is a pleasant city, but it does have its issues, for despite the niceties, crime still happens for the sons of serfs moving into the big city might not always find legal jobs, and thus resort to pickpocketing, forgery, muggings in dark but cheerful alleyways, or even the rare assassination. Those who are charged, are locked deep under the Temple Hall.  


An ancient city that grew as the creatures of world were crafted or grown by the Kva'trii and it's will. It was formed by the sacrifice of the Allsworn when they ascended to the stars to halt the ravaging Sky-Scarring, gathering as many of their kin as the Allsworn could, they made a temporary base of operations at the roots of the Kva'trii until they had rested enough to gain enough strength to challenge the stars themselves. With great magics they carved stone walls from the air itself, bending and shaping the world to their whim as they used the golden pearls of Eit.   Records says that the Sky-Scarring was at least 198,600 years ago. In the time where the stars battled in the skies above, the small folk of Altova led their lives unknown to greatest sacrifice until at last the stars halted after 1400 years of strife and the spirits of the world called those who would listen to the Kva'trii. The first lords Grongg, Håltryng, Skövdor, Vangktu, Ässträgn found a grand and barren hall, protected by majestic walls of unknown craft. Upon entering the great hall at the base of Kva'trii they found six carven thrones, each magically bound themselves, with one for the Allsworn, ever empty. Carvings around the room spoke of the Allsworn vision for the world, that petty differences be set aside for the benefit of all of their peoples. But bitterness, isolation, and more had already caused rifts between the first lords and now the thrones lay empty awaiting their lords' reign, stewarted by the Golden Ivadi of Eitholm.  


The Red Sleigh

The Red Sleigh Toy Store is a red painted large 2 story building with a lower glass windows with rows of toys of all shape and size, some even mechanical or mystical. It's the most famous shop in its district, so much so that is even has a parlor outside with toys for kids to play with, almost like a daycare.

The Hall of the Allsworn

Hall of the Allsworn

The Thrones of the Gods

A great hall made of wood grown from the Kva'trii's base, akin to a farmer's in style, lies at the base of the Kva'trii. Inside are 6 grey cold stone thrones carved long ago surrounded a central wide-and-low dias. Each throne bears the markings and names of the gods. This is where Greynic the Golden Ivadi reigns and apparently lives.

The Grey Shade Tavern

The Grey Shade Tavern is a new but burgeoning tavern of somewhat ill-repute, but yet has managed to stay afloat still. It is usually ran by a Dwarf named Vendo Bjorkan, who's wild fiery red beard is yet tamer than his small tiny huskey.

The Great Bridges

In the middle of the city lies the three great white stone bridges, lined with pearlescent mortar between the bricks, they are so big that market stalls line the edges down them as they bound over the three bursting rivers of sap. A giant wooden statue of the Allsworn watches over the Bridges from the central one.

The Estate-lands

Lined up against the great wall at the edges of the town, beyond where most people are allowed to visit, are the large estates nestled in the city where nobility or those with high connections have their homes.

The Eitsa'n Docks

The Docks of Eitsa have both sleepy dinghies and fishing ships, as well as a couple full blown warships in their portages. The ice breaks into a thin and melty shards in the summer, but sometimes freezes in the winter. Entrance to the sewers lays here, known only to city officials and the vagrants of the city.

The Golden Wall

At the far border of Eitsa is the Golden Wall. A megalith of gold and white stone that towers hundreds of feet into the sky, itself a hundred feet thick. Meaty crenulations defend the top, with large banners draping down from the walls like rippling waterfalls.

The Hill of the Faded

Nestled along the southern edge of Eitsa lies the great burial mounds and Passage-tombs of Eitsa, uncountable mounds of small or large size depending on their inhabitants line the area. This is the graveyard of Eitsa, and many come to visit their fallen and faded friends and family, hoping to speak to them in dreams by sleeping on their graves. Whether they get contact is happenstance. Little cairns of stone stand above the hills, demarking where particular people may be buried.
Founding Date
200,000yrs ago
Alternative Name(s)
Home of the Great Tree
Location under
Characters in Location

Cover image: by Bing AI


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