Master Magical Brewer Elvira Appel

Master Magical Brewer Elvira Appel

Elvira Appel is an up & coming member of the Appel family. She never gives out her age though many suspect she is about 25 year old now. So far she has picked up the family trade in brewing beer & cider, and using magic to bolster the products. This same magic she uses to help protect the business overall, and her family. High ranking in the Master Dutch Breweries she is currently working her way down the east side of Frankia looking for further business opportunities.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Elvira was born about 25 years ago in the city of Rotterdam to the Appel family of mages & brewers. She is the second of her line with an older brother Ludwig (2 years older) living in Anglo-Saxon Britain in the region of Essex. She showed promise from an early age in the arts of magic, and before she was three she could cast a number of cantrips easily with little thought.   At the age of 4, Elvira started to be taught the very basics of much more detailed spells, and shown the rudimentary elements of brewing. The latter she enjoyed as much as magic, partly because of how bright & precocious she was, and partly for the fact she likes working with her hands. At the same time, many of elders saw a streak of determination & pride of her family name start to appear. Over her the next 4 to 5 years Elvira was moulded into a young lady and had to be brought to heel a few times. Her prideful nature could be quite bothersome, so her teachers, family, and courtesans had to mould & shape it into something more useful. Elvira was taught to be proud of hard work and nothing can be taken for granted. Shown the Saxon Wars going on between Frankia & Old Saxony, Elvira soon learned that such actions were bad for business, and the pride of two powerful nations could easily ruin everything for everyone. This Elvira took to heart and started to change somewhat.   She entered her teenage years realising it is best to be neutral on all things until the right opportunity comes up. This is especially true in business, and uses her magic to help work out the best path when dealing with rough peasant and haughty noble alike. At this stage she got more hands on with learning the family business and would jump in to the breweries to carry out day to day tasks so she could understand the whole process from the ground up. There she made a name for herself amongst the workers, the guards, the merchants, everyone, as someone who could help out at a moment's notice and spot solutions to any problem. Since those days, most of the staff who know her speak highly of her and extremely loyal. Those that don't either think it's all hyperbole or absolute rubbish.   When she hit her 20s, the Appel family decided it would be good for Elvira to start setting up breweries in other regions. Elvira has been left to sell the idea to possible interested parties, physically get the brewery built, the workers trained, and one of of her relations in the top position. So far, she has been quite successful in tempting the Frankish hierarchy into setting up these breweries and at present is moving down the eastern regions of the empire below Aachen. Eschbach is the next stop and Elvira is expecting to be able to arrange a meeting with the local council, and the newly installed lord.


Trained by her family from a very young age in magic and brewing, Elvira can run the business to a high standard.


Elvira works for her family business, the Master Dutch Breweries.

Intellectual Characteristics

Elvira is quick witted, and approachable. She is an excellent businesswoman, and willing to work out a good deal. The latter is usually skewed somewhat in favour of the Brewery, but knows that some compromise is needed to seal the deal.

Morality & Philosophy

The family, the business and then the community of Rotterdam comes in that order. A business deal & an excellently brewed beer or cider is all that counts. And all the while, a good bottom line too. If a number of the local community gets jobs out of this too, then marvellous.

Member of the Appel brewery family Has access to some magic Travelling around Frankia

Character Location
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"Had business with this young woman, an Elvira Appel from Fresia. Smart girl, and she's going to go far. That and the brewery she represents. We ought to let her travel round a bit. Help generate a bit of business in our borders as well. Let both the drink and the gold flow."   Count de Ath at the monthly court meeting for business with Emperor Charlemagne and the Merchants & Brewers Guilds.
Current Status
Looking to set up a new brewery
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Medium / dark brown, wavy & long
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 5"
120lb roughly
A mix of Roman Catholicism & Germanic Paganism
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by Colonel 101