Return of the Heroes

The team have made it back to Eschbach. Now they have some time to catch up and deermine what is to happen next.

Plot points/Scenes

The team find out that while in the Feywild, hey have been gone for a week. The Druidess Emma Duckthorne mentions it happens at times to mortals there and referring to a side effect the almost ageless or slow aging Ao Sidhe & the Tuatha De Daanan, and the Feywild. There's the commemoration for Kulug, the wyvern egg hatching (and Eleia taking an interest in both it & the griffon), Reolus having to contact the Master Dutch Breweries, Nine wondering what to do, and Anselma catching up with Magnar & home (and gettingoffered a bit of diplomacy).   Alfre appears when they get up in the morning asking where they have been telling them she came through 6 days ago, and they find out that when they were in the Feywild seven days had passed. Emma Duckthorne explains that the Feywild can cause time to act differently for mortals while they are there. The ceremony takes place.   Eleia will find out that the wyvern has hatched amd grumpy trying to sting & bite everyone unless fed. Even then it will be vicious. All the while the griffon will show it's starting to respond to her. Bjorn will waylay her though, and start to ask what she wants to know about the history of the place. He will tell her that i was an old Roman village where a wizard's tower once stood and primarily a meeting place / trading place for the Romans & Germanic warriors though the eventual collapse of the Roman Empire caused it to be abandoned and the early Saxons & Franks moved in eventually fighting over it, and eventually the majority of Saxons moved on when the Franks got powerful enough and took the village over. The groves were always there long before humans moved in, and seemed to affect the region since. Many generations have grown up here usually moving on until recently when the Crown took an interest.   Reolus meets with both Baldwin & Elvira Appel to try to get backing to star a brewery. Elvira will have to correspomd with her business partners to get plans, labourers, some equipment and money together to help get it started. She will ask Reolus bits & pieces to find out what he hopes to create, and the general plans for it.   Anselma gets to meet with Magnar and is informed the Council was asking him about the possibility of diplomatic relations with Eschbach, the Crown and their people. A diplomat is on his way down from Charlemagne's Court to talk to her, the Council and Grimmaz to see if this is possible. She can carry out basdic work with this in Eschbach in the meantime as the diplomat is still a day or two away.   Nine is kind of in a bind, as they have nothing much to do except observe what is happening. One of the party or the Council might suggest taking the approach of recording everything they see & hear, and may want to set up a collection of books, the written word, history and other information they may be interested in. Plus they may want to research a way to contact or find a way to set up a magical connection to their own world, similar to Anselma.   Eleia will have the chance to make an Intelligence roll (DC saving throw 10) to see if she increases her History by 1 point. Anselma will be approached by Father Tossil & one of the monks, and they will quiz her about learning Gaulish leading to n Intelligence DC 10 saving throw that if passed results in her being able to add Gaulish to her list of languages. The same will happen to Reolus for Infernal, Deep Speech & Elvish with the same results.


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