The Age of Chaos in The Two Continents | World Anvil

The Age of Chaos

Accepted title for the 200 to 300 years after The Great Break in which Civilization started to recover from the brink of extinction the disaster caused. There are disagreements on when the Age of Chaos ended, with some arguments that it never did.   The Age of Chaos was dominated with the fall of civilizations that survived the Great Break, and general lack of control or order. Hundreds of small nations and governments formed during this time and were unsuccessful either due to internal or external events. The history during this time is extremely spotty, with many holes from all over. This was viewed as an extremely dangerous and generally accepted miserable time to be alive.   Riven was hit harder than Obsidian during the AoC, much because most of the surviving politcal entities from before the Great Break were on the Northern Continent. For some time, Riven had very little governmental control or protection for anyone living on the continent. Warlords and despots reigned over short, violent periods.   Obsidian managed better, though not by much, as civilization struggled to get on its feet.   There are disagreements on the end of the Age of Chaos, with earlier historians declaring it over after 200 AGB. Many recent historians argue that little order was established even in the next hundred years and declare it lasted until the year 300 AGB. There are even several historians who believe the Two Continents still have not emerged from the Age of Chaos.   Either way, the following centuries were still a great challenge for any civilizations attempting to build and it wasn't until the year 400 AGB that stronger Kingdoms started to show solidity. While there has been advancement and even technology, it could be argued that the kingdoms and nations of the Two Continents are still trying to rebuild and grow. Much of the Two Continents remains unpopulated and unexplored, and some historians warn it's closer to collapse than many realize and predict of the coming of a second Age of Chaos.


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