The Great Break in The Two Continents | World Anvil

The Great Break

The Great Break is the name for the catostrophic event that ripped the continent of Concord apart and created the Two Continents of Obsidian and Riven. As major as it was, little is known detail wise because records afterwards are sporadic at best. It is more or less confirmed it happened on a Tuesday, and mid-day in all regions.   Cause The cause of the Great Break is unknown. Experts believe it may have been something man-made, or magical, being that the event was so fast and so extreme that it was could not have been natural. However, with no known magic capable of anything even a millionth of this magnitude, experts are still perplexed.   Aftermath It is unknown how many people died during the Great Break, but it is estimated over 40 percent of the population, or around 100 million people, were killed. From records, we are able to tell that civilization was brought to the brink of extinction. Concord, the kingdom that ruled the land was completely broken, and collapsed entirely shortly after. The other kingdoms that had been under Concord, especially those close to the North and South, survived but still suffered massive losses. In the wake, a new continent, Riven, was formed.   The following two-hundred years afterwards is called The Age of Chaos. Civilizations scrambled just to survive, and there was little law or control almost anywhere. Many of the records, histories, and everything else from before the Great Break were destroyed either during the event, or in the madness afterwards.   Legacy Experts still to this day search to try to find remants of anything from either before the Great Break, or what could have caused it.


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