The Eriel Geographic Location in The Unbecause | World Anvil
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The Eriel (Air-Ee-EL)

The Ariel, (more commonly referd to as The Realm of Darkness, or The Realm of Nightmares) is one of the most notorious realms to occupy a space within The Unbecause. The Ariel is ‘ruled’ by Xylathrolepth, or is at the very least linked to the dark lord. The amount of individuals that have been to the Ariel and returned, is incredibly minuscule, with some of even the most powerful magicians accessing the plane never returning, and those lucky enough to survive, being changed irreversibly for the rest of their lives.   The Ariel is a realm linked to the dark psychie. It exists only as an antithesis to The Dreamlands, and is associated with darkness and evil nature/forces, but confusion, mental illnesses, and nightmares.   One group, The Brotherhood of Death, existence is based solely off of their fascination with the Ariel, and their members worship of it. Through their abuse of Grandelion, many members of the brotherhood risk a crippling and terrible addiction, and what’s more death, by taking high doses of the drug in an attempt to enter a state in which the Ariel is known to them.   The Ariel is the opposite of the Dreamlands.
Alternative Name(s)
The Realm of Darkness, Dark Hell, The Nightmare Realm
Dimensional plane
Location under


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