The Dreamlands Geographic Location in The Unbecause | World Anvil
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The Dreamlands

The Dreamlands is an Extra-Planar realm that exists within the dreams of all living things within the The Unbecause. The Dreamlands are acessable to people only through dreams, though it is still a realm that is inhabited by various peoples and creatures that exist solely within it.   The Dreamlands are governed by The Council of Sleep.


The geography of the dreamlands is ultimatley hard to describe, as not only is it incredibly large and varied, but also whimsical and awe-inspiring in many place due to its seperation from reality.


When it comes to visiting the Dreamlands recreationally, there are many ways that an indavidual may attempt to reach it. For some people, simply deep sleep will grant them a night of fading memories of a time in a distant land. For some people, a magically induced coma will allow them live entirely within the realm, their physical body remaining where it lay until their awakening.
Dimensional plane
Location under
Included Organizations
Owning Organization


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