The Unbecause Geographic Location in The Unbecause | World Anvil
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The Unbecause

The Unbecause, (Also called 'The Astral Sea', 'The void' or 'The Realm Beyond Death') is the vast and infinite emptiness that exists eternally and hosts everything: realms of existence, dimensions, realities and after lifes.


The Unbecause has existed always. There is no beginning and no end, it is simultaneously everything and nothing. The Unbecause is the canvas of the Creator, the mysterious old god that has either created the Unbecause or was the first one to manipulate it. First creating his ‘Children’ the old one allowed them to do as they please, creating various realms and pocket dimensions, sharing ideas between them, and also acting on impulses of jealously and hatred. Seeing that his god children were unruly and venomous, all seeking to gain what the others have made or gained, created Gredion, a plane that is unable to be corrupted by his children, and then disappeared from the Unbecause forever, allowing naturally life to progress unaffected by the whims of his god-children.
Alternative Name(s)
The Universe
Included Locations


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