Vallonians Species in The Unbecause | World Anvil
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Vallionians are the race of Humans that inhabit The Kingdom of Vallia, originating from the Island of Vallen.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Naming in Vallish is usually quite simple, most people taking names from ancestors, and those names being rather simple. John, Bob, Steve, Rob, and Tom, are some of the most typical names of all Vallonians.

Historical Figures

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Vallonians by nature are not in their eyes superior to any other race found on Gredion, save for the Labyrinthian Elves, whom they engaged in a long-term conflict withm known as The Great Human Elf War. As the Vallish people arrived from boats to the The Great Labyrinth Forest, the native elves of the forest were none to pleased to share their sacred forest, and were merciless in their brutality towards the Vallonians. After the conflict was ended, and thus began the semblance of a new age, The Labyrinthian Elves were all but terminated, and were forced to form communes deep within the Labyrinth Forest. After many years of inbreeding to keep their speices alive due to an extremely low population number, the once great race of elves was now physically deformed, with elongated chins (known as 'Labyrinth Chins'), droopy and generally out of proportionate phsyical features, as well as a lower general intelligence than the race previous possesd.
After many years, the Vallonians began to view the Elves as a now inferior race, far less respectable than any other race, and thusly, are extremely prejudiced against them.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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