Aleksander Grant Kesper Character in The Void | World Anvil
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Aleksander Grant Kesper

Sir Aleksander Grant Kesper

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • Born in an orphanage in Aesalia 
  • Took on a Confederation of Guilds apprenticeship to a Shipwrights
  • Became a qualified engineer working with artificial gravity engines
  • Pioneered several modifications to Kanuna and Intona station allowing a more reliable and secure spin gravity.
  • Worked with Toma Omori Gennai to design and construct Pandalin Station 
  • Began working to develop smaller gravitational drives that might allow further exploration of the void.
  • Died in travel between Pandalin Station and Aesalia when his engine suffered a malfunciton causing it to explode.
Date of Birth
7th Tatham
Date of Death
16th Marvos
51 123 72 years old
Circumstances of Death
Engine Malfunction
Place of Death
He / Him
Aligned Organization
Founded Settlements

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