Toma Omori Gennai Character in The Void | World Anvil
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Toma Omori Gennai

Daimyo Toma Omori Gennai

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • Born to a noble family in Taigol, Aesalia.
  • Showed an aptitude for engineering from a young age and pursued own studies into the field.
  • Used resources to invest in shipbuilding designing larger ships for longer journeys.
  • Eventually tookover his fathers Gennai Shipyards majorly expanding it to become a major producer of military and civilian ships
  • Met Aleksander Grant Kesper and worked together to create Pandalin Station.
  • Began lobbying for rights for Voi'yar following the Empire Day Massacre
  • Lobbied to have the station repopulated in the years after to little success
  • Died of old age in family home shortly after learning that Pandalin Station had become a stronghold for the United Brethren Fleets

Date of Birth
8th Typh
Date of Death
11th Gruumara
72 161 89 years old
Circumstances of Death
Old Age
Place of Death
He / Him
Aligned Organization
Founded Settlements

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