Mother Asette Character in The Void | World Anvil
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Mother Asette

Reverend Mother Julia Marie Asette

Imperial Tathamite Church Database

Revered Mother Julia Marie Asette

Matriarch of the Pandalin Station Diocese

Prior Designations:
- Sister of the Diocese of the Estenlands -
- Sister of the Diocese of the Freelands -
- Caretaker of Borlun Church -
- Cleric of Borlun Church -
- Mother of Csorvan -
- Bishop of the Freelands -


Religious Views

  • Devout member of the Tathamite faith.
  • Spoke in favour of unshackaling the Templar Order to allow it to actively engage in anti-piracy activities in the 8E-182 Synod.
  • Spoke in favour of maintaining the Church's Sanctuary laws for criminals in the 8E-185 Synod.
  • Spoke in favour the organisation of an inquisition against rising Iconoclast sects in the 8E-187 Synod.

Current Location
Date of Birth
29th Watcher
Year of Birth
158 40 Years old
She / Her
Aligned Organization

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