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Welcome to the City of Heroes

  Exaltia has long been in the tradition of military strength. Whether fighting at The Battle of Mulhessen or fending off Tyralgarde the Invincible, there is rarely a conflict where a force from Exaltia hasn't been present. With its sides protected by the The Sea of Fallen Stars and the handful of chokepoints in the The Drakodorse Mountain Range, it serves as a nearly unassailable fortress city.   As you approach, you'll recognize the many statues that stand guard over the city. As one of the last remaining "old" cities, it sprawls for miles in every direction, and is home to many guild halls and the Black Tower of the Archmage Tybor Kaldorel. Be sure to see the White Keep, the fortress city center located at the top of the Thousand Stairs.   In DR 1461 (30 years ago), the army of Exaltia was deployed to fight The Army of Darkness at the Battle of Ordulin. A large portion of the army was destroyed in combat. After the battle ended and after the armies from other cities returned home, a significant portion of the Exaltian army remained in Ordulin. Soldiers from The Amber Sea, Fernwood Forest, and The Highlands were recalled to Exaltia, resulting in the previous safe areas falling prey to the wilderness once more.   Today, Exaltia serves as the regional military power, though many argue that Selgaunt has favorable economic status.  


  Exaltia was built around a handful of rocky plateaus. Today, many of the wealthier and more powerful neighborhoods live on these rises. They also serve as anchors for the many walls constructed in and around the city.  
  • White Keep - the recently constructed fortress keep at the center of the city, home to the Aubirrel family.
  • Parade Grounds - the military district of Exaltia. Many visit to see the military parades.
  • Black Tower - Exaltia's Wizard Tower, currently occupied by the Archmage Tybor Kaldorrel.
  • Valegarten - a collection of barracks and military academies.
  • Elderrise - one of the wealthiest regions of the city, preferred by those who want to stay close to the city center.
  • Citadel - in ancient times, the city tried to keep religions outside of the city walls. Many of the churches built temples upon this rise. In time, the city grew until it surrounded this rise as well, culminating in the construction of a temple to Tempus, the God of War and Combat.
  • Wesspire - another wealthy neighborhood, favored by many for being further away from the din of the Parade Grounds.
  • Prestige - much of the higher-end commerce of this city happens here.
  • Fumes - merchants who can't afford to work within the Prestige settle here, a convoluted maze of vendors that aspire to pay their way across the wall.
  • Darrowglen - in the narrows of the Elderrise lives an enclave of halflings
  • Blue Sea - many of the houses that surround the inner neighborhoods paint their roofs blue, either to honor the Iron Fang of House Aubirrel, or to avoid their wrath.
  • Valley of Champions - a well-maintained corridor through the northern gates of the labyrinthian city. Whenever the city moves to war, the soldiers march out on this road.

Historical Military Engagements

The Rust Fields
  Legends from ten thousand years ago tell us that giants once invaded the kingdoms of the Sea of Fallen Stars. It was said that they came from the Thunder Peaks, and beat the mountains into dust near present day Blackstone. The humans of Exaltia slayed them all, staining the nearby grasslands their iconic reddish color.  
The War of Three Kings
  In response to a shortage of gold, House Dallard of Mulhessen suffered a war of succession. King Achenar Aubirrel deploys the army and destroys both factions. Mulhessen is left in ruin. Ordulin becomes the prominent trade city as a result.  
The Battle of Ordulin
  In response to the Army of Darkness marching south on Ordulin, King Sirrus Aubirrel summons armies from all cities and repels the invasion.   With nearly every army in the realm depleted, Sirrus leaves a large force in Ordulin to keep the peace. Forces from smaller towns and villages are recalled to the cities.  


  This is overwhelmingly a Human city. The city is currently led by King Sirrus Aubirrel.  
  The Elves have settled within Exaltia, integrating throughout. While they lack the political clout of the humans, many are excited to see that Princess Lethindel Mystralath is now married to Prince Vance Aubirrel II.  
  Halflings have a notable enclave within the city. It functions almost like a distinct city-state within Exaltia.  
  There are many Dwarven, Elven, and Orcish neighborhoods within Exaltia.  
  Half Elves, Dragonborne, Goliaths, Gnomes, Tieflings, and other races can all be found within Exaltia. However, they are rare enough that they don't form significant political groups like other races.


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