
Camp   The people of Flysslagir use the tower of Chrudicholdos as a navigation tool. They have a legend that the place is the ancient habitation of a face-stealing demon who is bound the site in eternal service.   The camp doesn't have a priest of its own so the Ganktoalbi Ossuary sends a rotating priest to do the weekly sermon.   The Flysslagir's Brotherhood specifically recruits kids who work on the docks of Flysslagir. They make the life of an outlaw seem cool and exciting, full of adventures. The Brotherhood is kind of seen as folk heroes.   Most of the wood that Waldinhafin uses to repair its ships is from Flysslagir so the guards have a vested interest in keep the town running and that includes allowing some level of corruption to keep the wheels greased.   The Tree at the Bend is considered good luck so newly married couples will nail a copper piece to the trunk and sleep under the tree to envoke a blessing on the marraige.   Leaving a selection of the harvest at the base of the waterful is considered good luck. That's because the waterfall is near where the Rutimytzi are and leaving the gifts lowers the chance they'll attack.   Has an anchorite


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