Flysslagir's Brotherhood

Hideout   Murder Financed by third party (Flysslagir) Master(s) of a Skill All Bound by Oath   A Clan of 1 Captain, 1 Guard, 2 Looters, 2 Reavers, and 2 Thugs   They're being extorted by the Black Brothers, who use their connections to make putting in at the Prensuchdt docks.   The Flysslagir's Brotherhood specifically recruits kids who work on the docks of Flysslagir. They make the life of an outlaw seem cool and exciting, full of adventures. The Brotherhood is kind of seen as folk heroes.   The Flysslagir's Brotherhood does know about the enchanted item in Chrudicholdos but aren't really interested paying the cost in blood to get it; however, they would steal it from somebody who plunders the ruins for them. To this end, they keep a small, secret watch that can alert the main camp if someone goes in.   The Flysslagir's Brotherhood will often target pilgrams heading from Ganktoalbi Ossuary to Prensuchdt. They murder them and take their things. There are even rumors that they eat their heart.


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