Fork Shrine

w/ Enchanted Items   Overseen by an Anchorite - The Robed Naex   The Robed Naex will visit the the Howling Teeth every week to listen to the winds and use it forsee the future. Characters that visit him before he departs that day can have their fortune told for free but they have to wait. He says he's the only one who knows its secrets and can navigate the Teeth safely. That is true.   The garrison at the Waldinhafin don't really care for the The Robed Naex who comes down every so often from his hermitage at the Fork Shrine to scream in the courtyard what seems like nonsense. He's insistant and doesn't stay too long but it's really annoying.   The people of Grynizilt support the The Robed Naex, the Anchorite of the Fork Shrine but giving him food donations.   There are a lot of local pilgrims at the Waldinhafin on their way to visit the Fork Shrine since it's a great place to spot if you're coming up from the south.


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