
Enchanted Item(s)
  • Mandolin of Construction
  • Invasions: werewolves   Rudulf   Crop & Livestock Guild presence   Minor Religion Cult of the Father (Dominant in the University)   Largest City Area (acre) Dwellings Buildings 2nd Largest Area (acre) Dwellings Buildings 12,804 210 4,198 6,297 10,243 168 3,358 5,038  



    • ~6 - 10 OI - Turning towards the stronghold of Huttwochts, Duke Bo is confronted with its most formittable defense: the river. So, turning his horde upstream, he dammed the river, draining it and allowing his forces to assult the city directly. After the city was taken, Captain Bittena fled to the Summer Peaks and Duke Bo installed Drechdta Rudulf as baron - a man rumored to have caused the fall of his own city.


    • With the port at Drechdt blocked by the Freslorfa fleet, Baron Entaufha Amalrech orders a great shipyard to be built at Huttwochts.
    • A man named Learned Girnut establishes the University of Meedt, an institution of learning that is publicly availible to all. Soon these universities crop up in many capital cities even though there are persistent rumors that their deans are secret Fatherlings.


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