
"Lance Point" Landmark w/ enchanted item   The enchanted item is a javelin that you can see glinting from the peak during morning and evening.   The Lanzinspotzi marks the furtherest that the loggers of Kystinlagir travel up the valley. Beyond that, they say, you risk the attention of the Erstvolk ruin.   The people of Kystinlagir believe that their founder, Ranger Hilmoni, threw their javelin to mark the boundry between the humans and the elves when the elves first entered the area.   The elves of the Byrgilfin belive that that their founder, Wildshanks Jha, threw their javelin to mark the boundry between the humans and elves when the elves first came into the area. If a human stepped beyond that boundry, their lives would be forfeit.


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