
Elves   A Clan of 13 Guards, 8 Hellions, 12 Initiates, 4 Lords, 8 Scouts, 12 Snipers, and 12 Warriors 828 non-combatants   A sprawling and makeshift set of towers   legendary leader Wildshanks Jha   Lead by The Youngest Avrou   An elf named Zaos with clipped ears   They're constantly attacked by the Blue Bows when they go out to perform piracy. This is due to the fact that the leader of the Blue Bows, Snowy Katareni, is secret lovers with Diver Jyre. The aim of the raids are to steal, not to kill, but I don't think the elves care.   The Byrgilfin constantly raid the shipments from Kystinlagir, sinking their ships whenever possible.   It is rumored that the elves of Byrgilfin are in debt to the qwibs of Huhli dir Syndi due to vices of The Youngest Avrou, their leader.   Occassionally, they'll take Waldschnayzin mercs on board for particularly daring and burtal raids. In payment, the elves will give them slaves.   The Throat-Slit Outlaws will bribe the elves with information about ships and their crew and protection in return for having their ships not be targeted.   The elves often use The Coast Fort as a mooring when making longer range raids along the coast. They keep a stash of supplies there, even when they're not present.   The Black Brother's Camp, its defenses, are what is keeping the Byrgilfin from attempting a raid on Prensuchdt.   The people of Prensuchdt don't like the Byrgilfin due to their raiding. When raiding is really common, prices are increased because shipments via the river take longer and the route is more dangerous. However, they have neither the resources, nor the focus, to permenantly remove the elves.   The elves of the Byrgilfin visit Virina's Blessing on major holy days. The only reason they haven't killed the Blue Bows for tresspassing on sacred ground is because of how holy they consider the site.   The elves believe that the Mantle of Albaroths is a place to test the blood/innocence of those that have sinned against the clan so those convicted of a crime, or bastards wishing to claim an inheritance, travel there, although none have returned.   The elves of the Byrgilfin belive that that their founder, Wildshanks Jha, threw their javelin to mark the boundry between the humans and elves when the elves first came into the area. If a human stepped beyond that boundry, their lives would be forfeit.   The Byrgilfin stay away from the Virflychtis Tal: they say that the place is cursed due to a caravan that was stuck there in the snow. The lone survivor had to resort to cannibalism.   Part of the Sylv Conference: they were lead to the fort by a vision from their founder and Hero  
North Wisthulz


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