
Enchanted Item(s)
  • Diplomat's Promise
  • Ebb Cloak
  • Lydgir   Puldo   Largest City Area (acre) Dwellings Buildings 4,161 68 1,364 2,046   I feel like we really mythologize lions as super brave but you know who's actually super brave? Really ugly people.   Like I can't imagine the courage that it takes to get up every single day as an ugly person. It's not even that they're completely unaware: they're ugly people, the bravest among us, that go out every single day knowing that they're ugly and that people will stop and stare and talk about them behind their backs.   And yet they still go out.   That means real bravery: facing a challenge knowingly and of your own accord on your own terms.   I'm going to make a noble house in the world have their crest being ugly person instead of a lion to honor these courageous souls.  



    • ~16 - 20 OI - The Ingsdt are not a religious people but a rival sweeps the Barony, lead by the firebrand, Puldo. The man's words spark many to convert to the Cult of the Cat.
    • ~21 - 25 OI - With religious unrest spreading across Ingsdt, it seemed that soon the whole barony would collapse into a civil crusader against itself, but, soon, rumors about the leaders of the revival, Puldo emerged: his wasteful spending, his deviant tastes, and his heretical beliefs. It culminated in his being discovered in a brothel in Rarcheib, gambling away the faithful's coin. Soon, the revival splintered and shattered, leaving only isolated enclaves.
    • ~26 - 30 OI - Understanding Duke Bo's tenious position, Steward Welba Seigward barters his barony's loyalty for the rich trade city of Rarcheib. The Duke agrees and the Steward appoints Lydgir as its new castellan.


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