Sweet Iron

Camp very recent   Current capital of the Amalrioker Clan clan.   The defacto overlords of Kynobirtheim   The Amalriokers from Kynobirtheim established this settlement   Sweet Iron is looking to build a bridge further north to avoid attacks from the Zaybirilfin on their caravans and travelers but have yet to find a good place due to how dangerous the river gets. Several bridges they've built have been swept away during storms (although the locals blame the elves)   The travelers between Sweet Iron and Kynobirtheim always make sure to never look at or travel within sight of the Deadman's Tower after nightfall because it is said to mark the person for death.   The Redcap Stabbings like to steal into Sweet Iron and curse their goats to give spoiled milk as a way of gaining weirding power.   Sweet Iron ships most of its orc to Kynobirtheim to be refined and forged into goods.


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