Men of Authority

Matters of Faith

In each of The Towns there are Men of Authority. These men are dedicated to the way of life that the Townsfolks have cultivated. They get their authority from The Protector and the Clerics as they enforce the Religion of The Towns.
  In the same way that The Protector is in constant battle with the Forces of Evil, so too are the Men of Authority. They may not be physically taller, but they are all seen as spiritually larger than life, second only to the Clerics and The Protector himself. They have two main tenets which they stand by and they use to maintain their authority over others, which are stated below.  

The Protector is always right

As an all-seeing and all-knowing god, The Protector always acts in the best interests of Good, as it is understood by the Townsfolk. If something good happens, it is the will of The Protector.   This extends to The Protector's representatives in the world, making the position of Cleric or the Men of Authority within a town extremely powerful. These people are seen as the hand servants of The Protector and therefore always right for they are acting on his behalf under his order.

The battle is constantly raging

The battle between good and evil is an ongoing war which has many victims and will not stop until Evil is forever driven from the land and everyone recognises the glory of The Protector.   As everyone knows there are casualties in war, the same is true here. The Protector is busy, fighting for good, and cannot be expected to worry about every petty mortal request, and sometimes his actions may first cause harm before they lead to good. But it is all done for the right cause.

Social Importance

The Angels


The Angels are everything that is right with the world and were created by The Protector as an example to mankind as to what they should endeavour to be like. Three of the most common are:  
  • Chastity
  • Piety
  • Humility
Men of Authority all occupy powerful positions within the Town in which they live. For example, in Stoneham Town, the Mayor, the Town Crier, the five Pub Landlords, and the Farmers for the three largest farms are all Men of Authority.   With these positions of power come expectations. They must be honest, and fair, and use their power for the pursuit of good for all. They are men, and therefore fallible, but if any behaviour goes against this moral guidance, they must beg forgiveness before once more being recognised as a Man of Authority.   It is even more important that the people in their lives portray the same moral upstanding as is expected of them. The women must exhibit all the same virtues as The Angels so that they too can act as an example to others.   Before a Man of Authority is able to marry, the woman in question must first receive The Protector's Blessing. The same blessing is often bestowed upon daughters and sisters of Men of Authority so that their sins may be forgiven and they are less likely to be overcome by The Forces.


The Men of Authority are usually born into it, passing it from father to son, in the same way that property does. As such the only known custom is the initiation, but the details of it are not widely available. It is rumoured to include a large amount of alcohol, the head of a goat, a large white bedsheet and a rather imposing flat-sided wooden stick called Roger. Those involved are often worse for wear for a few days afterwards and have bruises in some unusual places.


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Jul 10, 2024 00:37 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

R-Roger, eh? O_O   Really interesting article. I like that they are held accountable for their moral failings.

Jul 10, 2024 08:16 by Elspeth

I couldn't resist! XD Thank you.

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