Campaign World

Welcome to the Wondrous Continent

Welcome to our campaign world, the Wondrous Continent. Use the links in this article to acquaint yourself with the places and peoples of the game.  

Nations & Unpopulated Regions

The Scales   The Bouquet includes The Riverlands, The Meadows, The Orchards, The Hills   The Sacred Swampland   Mystic Mountains   God's Bed Canyon   Twilight Woods   Frosted Wilds   Forsaken Sands

Essential Cultural Knowledge

    The Marvel   Once every ten years, the peoples of the Wondrous Continent come together for a grand international tournament called The Marvel to demonstrate wits, magic, and muscle. Each nation hosts qualifying competitions in order to determine what champions will enter on their behalf.  
  Tea Lover's Handbook   Tea is an essential component of every day life for the peoples of the Wondrous Continent. For details of the varieties of mundane and magical teas available for your consumption, the social norms around tea time, and the game mechanics associated with tea, review the Tea Lover's Handbook.  


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