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Rhodania is the most western continent of Dunia. It is built upon the bones of ancient civilizations that have long fallen into ruin. With most cities reclaimed by the wylde, massive redwood forests now cover the continent. The eastern coasts are wrecked by the Storming Sea. The untamed nature of the continent makes it sparsely poputated, with the exeption of the Heartlands. The wealth of natural and magical resources atracts the brave and risktakers to make their fortunes here.


The continent of Rhodania is divided into three major sections: the Storming Sea, the Heartlands and the Blessed lands.

The Storming Sea

The ocean to the south of Rodania is known as the Storming Sea. This body of water is parodically battered by pulses of magical energy coming form the deep Astral Sea to the west. These energies manifest as powerful Stormwinds that break the land in front of it. As the Stormwinds roll in from the west they first hit the Hiven Isles, which are completely striped bare of soil and plants as the storms have broken them over centuries. The winds then hit the Broken Coast where they break on the Awọn mountains, depositing fertile rains on the Heartlands. The storming seas are humid and temperate, with high rainfall year round, cold winters, and wet summers.  


The heartlands consist of rolling hills and fields, intersected by large forests. The remnants of the Stormwinds deposit large amounts of fertile rains on the Heartlands, making them excellent farmlands, but hard to maintain, due to the constant mixing of magical and natural energies. Nevertheless, the Heartlands are some of the most developed lands in Dunia, with much of the fields converted into farms and pastures. The Heartlands are separated from the Blessed lands by the Dorian Strait, a windswept marshland where no trees can grow, because the violence of the storms. No permanent routes through the Dorian strait have been developed yet.  

The Blessed Lands

The Blessed lands are the large swath of undeveloped land that make up most of Rhodania. These lands are covered with giant redwood forests. Many of the mountains were developed in the past by a civilization of powerful elven mages, and have been lifted into the sky by magic, connected to the land below by massive stone chains. These civilizations are long dead, but their works remain powered by the latent magical energies of the Stormwinds. The lands are temperate, and the Stormwinds deposit fertile rains and magical energies over the land, making them rich in natural resources, but more Wylde and untamed and therefore difficult to develop.  


The lands of Rhodania are fertile due to the Stormwinds and provide an overabundance of food for the local fauna. This has caused the animals and monsters to grow far larger than their cousins from other continents. Rhodania is known as a harsh place to live, and the local wildlife plays a large part in that.  

The Forest of Giants

The Blessed Lands are covered with giant redwood forests. These woods provide a large amount of food in the form of roots, nuts, berries and mushrooms. Local herbivores and omnivores such as deer, moose, birds, rodents and boar feed on the trees, and these provide food for the predators. Many of these predators are powerful monsters. All of these animals and monsters are large in size, and can easily fend of humanoids if needed.  


The floating mountainrange of Zendikar holds the bones of the ancient Kindom of Zendikar, now long fallen to ruin. The ancient ruins of Zendikar are now overgrown with plants and inhabited by beasts. Many arboreal species and large avians have made their nests in Zendikar. The mountains float in the stormwinds, and ocationally crash into each other.

The Heartlands

Typical temperate ecosystem. With a balance between farms, pastures and forests. Ancient forests of gnarled trees and dense shrubbery. Animals and monsters in the forests are larger than average, and take special effort from farmers to keep out of their livestocks and fields.


The Hiven Isles

Battered and broken by the storms, no plants or soil left on the islands. Thriving ecosystem of aqueous plants and animals on the coastlines, similar to tidepools but much larger and more dangerous.  

The Broken Coast

Rocky coast of sharp cliffs and bare fjords. Plants only grow where they are sheltered from the Stormwinds by the rocks. The kelpforests under the water are masive, and home to many seashore creatures. The storms make open water treacherous, so most life clings to the rocks, shores and behind the cliffs.  

The Stormwinds

The Storming Sea provides the basis for much of the local ecosystems and economies. They come from the Origin peroidically, but with enough variation to make them an ever present threat. The magical energies of the storm feed the land and provide its abuncance of magical and natural resources. The storm shaped the land an lives of all who live there. The coasts are made of broken cliffs and rocky shores, with no vegitation suitable for food. The stromwinds feed the oceans without destroying them like the land, so the seas are quite abundant with fish. Vessles are only able to go out when the storms have died down, making trade possible but dangerous. Trading vessels ouside of port often have to shelter between the clifs to prevent getting caught in the storms.

Natural resources

Blessed lands

  • Magical plants and herbs foraged from the forests
  • Hides, bones and other materials from the gigantified animals and monsters
  • The strongest timber in the world
  • Magical artifacts from the floating ruins
  • Floatstone (used for making fabrials), mined from the floating mountains


  • Crops and livestock in high abundance
  • Quaried marble (extremely weather resistant)
  • Strong hides/monster materials, hunted in ancient forests

Broken Coast

  • Shellfish and Marine mamals (whales and seals) for hunting
  • Sparkmoss, grows on the cliffs, used for making sparkpowder
  • Soulstones of the seamonsters.
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