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Skordor is the most northern continent on Dunia. It is the largest continent on Dunia, but its colder climate and harsh weather make it sparesly habitated. Skordor is a continent of wariors, where some of the most famous heroes of Dunia hailed from.
Map of the material plane of Dunia


Skordor is a land of rough hills, open plains and frozen mountains. The geography is far more open than other continents, but distances between settlements are huge, which makes traveling the continent even more dificult. The continent is divided in three major sections: The Southern coast, the Northern wastes, and the Eastern Expanse.

The Southern Coast

The Southern coast of Skordor borders the Middlestrait and Mar Sangriento which connent the eastern oceans and the Trade Isles to the Northern Seas. This is the major naval trade artery of Dunia. The coasts of Kheimri are desolate, sunbaked rocks. The Mar Sangriento is more hospitable, with a southern mediteratian climate and forested hills in the south, and a colder, wetter climate in the north. The Valle de Fleur is warm grassland with hills and valleys, bordering the eastern end of the Middlestrait and has a southern mediterainian climate.

Northern Wastes

The north of Skordor is a harsh and unforgiving land. Temperatures are cold here 2/3rds of the year, and farming is only feasable during the summer. For this reason, many of the settlements are on the coasts, to feed of the ocean. Inland are large swaths of tundra and taiga that are inhospitable to all but the hardiest of tribes.

Eastern Expanse

The eastern expanse is a land covered with forests as far as the eye can see.


The ecology of Elamdu is shaped by its warm weather around the Middlestrait, which quickly becomes colder at higher latitudes. The northern parts of the Kheimri Desert and the Mar Sangriento experience cold and dark winters. The Northern waste have long winters where the sun does not rise for months.

Kheimri Desert

Kheimri is a barren desert full of past glories and dried out ruins. The land itself was cursed long ago, and made it imposible for life to exist here. The only inhabitants of Khemri are the Everlasting, and they rarely leave their ancient cities. Traveling Khemri is only possible allong the northern coast of the Middlestrait, as the land is impassable for the living with no water or plants of any kind.

Norðr vegr

A large snowy land of taiga forests, frozen mountains and fjords. The seas are filled with schools of fish, whales and seals. Large seamonsters prey on these ocean animals. The forests are filled with dear, wolves, bears, and rodents. The locals live mostly of fishing and hunting, with little farming to sustain them during summer.

Mar Sangriento

The pirate sea of the Mar Sangriento is divided in two sections: North and south. The southern half has a mediterainian climate with cliffs and hills, covered with thick forests. The northern half has a wet, and colder climate and is more covered with open fields and deep forests. The forests of the Mar Sangriento hide both the settlements and the animals, as both dislike being in the open. Many of the settlement sustain themselves by fishing, since going into the forests for anything other than lumber is a dangerous propesition.

Valle de Fleur

The Valle de Fleur is a land of moutains and valleys. The flowers that are its namesake grow in these valleys are give the landscape a fairytale-like aperance. However the moutains hide many monsters in their caves, and these creatures come down to the forests and valeys to hunt. This makes living in the Valle de Fleur dangerous, and the locals rely on thick walls and armored fighters to protect themselves from the horrors of the night.

Localized Phenomena

Wild Hunt

The spirits and monsters of the Valle de Fleur hunt at the full moon. As the dreaded Lord of the Hunt summons a stormwind and rides as a giant eight legged wolf through the sky, howling and hunting those who are foolish enough to leave their houses. All the preditors join him in his revel, and those he hunts down can either join him as well, or be run down.


The lands of Kheimri are dead. Long ago they were cursed, and since then no living thing can survive there. The locals of the desert were changed into the Everlasting, those who do not die and yet cannot truly live. Their cities are the wonders of Dunia filled with magic and knowledge, and yet it takes such effort to reach them that only the truely desperate are able to survive the trip. The necromantic energies give the land a dark and sombre look, and seems to drain away all emotion form those who enter it.

The Long Night

During the winters in theNorthern wastes the sun does not rise for months. This greatly impacts the local wildlife and peoples, who are forced to stock up for these winters and spend most days around a firepit, trying not to freeze to death.

Natural resources


  • Quaried stones
  • Latent necromantic energies

Norðr vegr

  • Fish and whales
  • Mithril
  • Timber

Mar Sangriento

  • Fish
  • Timber
  • Mineral deposits (iron, potash, gypsum)

Valle de Fleur

  • Pastures/farms
  • Coal
  • Monster parts (medicenal, material, alchemical ingredients)


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