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The central continent of Elamdu houses many of the worlds greatest civilizations and most ancient mysteries.
Map of the material plane of Dunia


Elamdu is split in four major regions, each with their own climate and geography.

Central Elamdu

The large central landmass of Elamdu consists of swaths of tropical rainforest and wide open savannas nestled between two mountain ranges. The Awọn mountains to the west and the Mlimas to the east. The jungles of central Elamdu consist of the deep forested Kal'ruba Jungle and the Sankarat Basin. The jungle climate is tropically hot with wet and dry seasons, and the mountains have similar rainfall, but are cooler and can get quite cold at higher altitudes.

Southern Wilds

The Southern Wilds are a greed desert of deep jungles with near constant rainfall. The southern mountains block all the rain from the north, leaving the southern coasts a dry desert.

Trade Isles

The Trade Isles are a collection of small attols and large vulcanic islands. The tropical sea has a warm and pleasant climate, with periodic rainfall and shifting winds that make sailing between islands quite easy.

Northern Plains

The north of Elamdu consists of wide open savannah, dry sandy deserts and mountain ranges. The largest mountain in Dunia Mount Dhahab can be seen from everywhere on the plains and deserts. The climate is hot, with the savannah having a wet and dry season, and the deserts gettin next to no rainfall. The northern mountains have a warm climate at their base, and the surrounding bays provide yearlong rainfall.


The ecology of Elamdu is shaped by its warm weather and tropical seasons.


The Seringit is a wide open plain of grass with sparse tree coverage. There are large herds of grazing animals and preditors who feed on them. Smaller rodents hide in the grass and the rivers are filled with fish and aquaous preditors, such as crocodiles. Large flocks of water bird are common, as are large flightless birds.

Sankarat Basin

A large swath of jungle, crossed by smaller streams and rivers that all flow into a central river called the Sankarat. The jungle has high biodiversity, with insects, rodents and smaller reptile forming the base of the food chain. Large preditors stalk the canopy (panthers, snakes, monkeys). Larger reptiles move in herds (plant eating dinosaurs) and are hunted by pack hunting preditors (velociraptor, allosaurus). The rivers are filled with freshwater fish and larger rivermonsters (large fish, hippos, large snapping turtles and raft tortouses).

Kal'ruba Jungles

Wylde southern jungles of Elamdu. Thick tree coverage makes the land dificult to traverse outside of the rivers and maintained roads. Large dinosaurs of all kinds roam the jungles, making the land dangerous to travel. Carnivorous plants are common, as are poisonous animals.

Southern Wilds

These jungles are covered in a near constant rain that unnaturally soaks the land, without forming lakes. Death rules here, with many of the animals zombified. Only cold blooded animals and monsters can survive in these lands permenantly. Almost no food is available here, asside from the ever regenerating animated wildlife.

The Trade Isles

The large vulcanic archapelago is home many species of plant, insect and bird. Bats are the only mammals and no reptiles other than tortoises exist on the islands. Only domesticated animals such as goats and pigs were imported from abroad. Fresh water comes mostly from lakes and glaiseirs. Plants provide mostly fruit, nuts and tubers. which grow on the fertile vulcanic soil. The seas in between the islands are filled with atols and coral reefs with increadible biodiversity. Large sea creatures hunt in the open ocean between the islands.

Alhulwaa Desert

The sandstone deserts in the north of Elamdu are hot and dry. Outside of the oasises that dot the landscape, little vegitation or wildlife can be found. Most animals are migratory bird or insects. Camels form the grazing herds. Predetors are large scorpions or burowing monsters, such as ankhegs or sandwurms.

Mount Dunia

The largest mountain on Dunia has its own ecosystem. At the base of the mountain are temperate hills with mediterainian forests. The coast cosists of rocky clifs and sandy beaches. At higher elivations pine forests exist in colder temperatures, and above those are bare rocks and frozen glaciers. The top of the moutain has many craters that pour out variable amounts of smoke. Inside the mountain is a large system of tunnels and caves, some naturally formed, some excavated by the ancient dwarves. These caverns contains large mushroom forests and lichens that provide bioluminesence. Many insects, reptiles and bats that have addapted to darkness. Predataory monsters stalk the tunnels.

Nawhen Woods

The Nawhen Woods are the largest manifestation of the Feywilds on Dunia. This is a land of spirits, not mortals. Many of the plants and animals are sentient and can comunicate with people. Without the help of a spirit, it is almost impossible for a mortal to survive in this place. At the center of Nawhen stands Irma, the spirit tree. She is the center of the natural world, and all spirits are her children. Between her roots lies the Sourcepool, where all the natural energies of Dunia originate.

Localized Phenomena


The feywilds are vey strong in Elamdu, and many of the forests can sudenly lead into a spirit wood. The largest of which is Nahwen, but many smaller one exist. These smaller feywilds are difficult to trace since their entrances can shift and move. Spirit woods are dangerous for mortals to enter, but not necessarily harmful.


Over the Southern Wilds hangs a fog that causes death in the living who enter it, and reanimates the corpses of those who die in it. Reanimated corpses are constantly replenished by the ominous fog. Only those of cold blood are unaffected by this sinister magic.

Natural resources


  • Clay deposits, used for making potery
  • Pastures
  • Grains
  • Mineral deposits (iron,nickel,mercury)

Sankarat Basin

  • Tropical herbs (Cocoa, Vanila, alchemical, medicinal)
  • Timber
  • Food (Citrus, Cassava)

Kal'ruba Jungle

  • Dinosaur Hunting(Food, Materials)
  • Timber
  • Mineral deposits (iron, coper, gold, gemstones)

Southern Wilds

  • Death
  • Just Death

Trade Isles

  • Silk
  • Pearls
  • Mineral deposits (cobalt, phosphates, gold)

Alhulwaa Desert

  • Oil and Tar
  • Plantations (dates, coton)
  • Mineral deposits (gold, gemstones)
  • Rocksalt

Mount Dunia

  • Coal, potash
  • Mushrooms (food, medicine, timber)
  • Mineral deposits (iron, gold, silver)
Location under


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