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Adventure Summary Session 15

General Summary

The unnamed heroes gathered for breakfast at Rusty Dragon Inn to regroup and plan for interrogating Tsuto Kaijitsu. Unfortunately, it looks like Tharuzall is has left without letting anyone know where he went. Saban seemed to be glad, where Pandereos was worried where his friend might have gone. With full bellies, the heroes headed to the Sandpoint Garrison to see Tsuto. On there path there, they passed Sandpoint Cathedral where their statues were being built. Gorin, Visuma, and Saban looked amazing in the sunlight. Shialu, Pandereos, and Mordecai still are under construction. As the characters approach the garrison, there is a large crowd outside, demanding they give Tsuto Kaijitsu to them for punishment. Abstalar Zantus and Ameiko Kaijitsu are standing in front asking the crowd to disperse and let justice be decided by the magistrate coming from Magnimar. Two guards look terrified standing behind him.  
  • Note ** Belor Hemlock isn’t there because he left for Magnimar to get help. Sandpoint doesn't have enough bodies to fill the positions.
Pandereos decided to be stealthy and climb the garrison wall for entrance. Gorin and Visuma strode through the crowd and calmed them through sensible words and promising the citizens justice, but it would be a trial, not a mob lynching. Father Zantus and Ameiko Kaijitsu thanked our heroes for their help in disbursing the mob. Ameiko showed signs of grief and anger about her brother. Ameiko needs answers for closure, but at the same time has accepted Tsuto Kaijitsu will pay for those crimes. Ameiko convinced our heroes to come along, but wait at a distance where Tsuto would not see her. As the heroes wandered through the garrison, memories of the doppelganger battle came to the forefront, as they greeted Vachedi for entrance to the cells.   The heroes could see Tsuto had many more bruises from when they captured him in the basement of the Glassworks. Tsuto Kaijitsu is sitting as the back of the cell with his head between his legs, but still wearing his expensive purple nobles outfit. As they approached, Tsuto can be hear sneering and chuckling to himself. The heroes were greeted with a taunt of sloppy and lucky heroes of Sandpoint. Pandereos used his marbles to gain the full attention of Tsuto ... which seemed to annoy Tsuto all the more. Tsuto taunted Pandereos about Shayliss Vindor, which caused tension among the group. An eyeball was added to the fray and discussion, ending with Tsuto eating the eyeball and marble. This sent Pandereos into a frenzy, which ended with Pandereos and Mordecai grappling Tsuto to tie his arms around a cell bar. There were discussions of slitting his throat, which brought a distraught Ameiko running down the hall to stop the bloodshed. Saban and Visuma deescalated the situation between the heroes and Tsuto. Saban used his humanity and diplomacy to reason with Tsuto. A moment of awareness appeared in his eyes, which he leaned forward and whispered into Saban's ear:  
  • The temptress will finish what I started. She rules the tunnels below Sandpoint. Her minions will soon walk the streets.
  • Thistletop holds the power that will ensure their destruction. My lover will soon unlock the secrets contained below the village. Thassilon Empire Runelord, Karzoug, was known to have powerful artifacts.
  • In seven days the attack will commence from Thistletop to utterly destroy this village and give his love the power to complete her transformation.

Tsuto's loyalty to Nualia is unwavering, hoping Nualia will bring him back from the dead.
Lower Glassworks Basement
The heroes left a disturbed Tsuto with Vadechi and Ameiko in the cell block. The Sandpoint Glasswork's trek was uneventful. There were some locale town guards still stationed around the building, but gave way when the heroes entered. Blood stains were still all over the inside, but the mass body parts were gone. Unfortunately, the glass encased Lonjiku Kaijitsu was still present. The trap door was fully secured so no minions could come and threaten the town. With a grim sigh, Gorin pulled open the trapdoor and descended into the basement followed by Saban, Pandereos, Mordecai, Shialu (and Sid), and finally Visuma with Kek. The glowing molten glass was still present, lighting the room easily. As they approached the first hallway, Gorin could see it ended with a torn down brick wall that led into a dark cavern. Gorin decided to press on and explore the bigger hallway at the end of the room. When the heroes entered the hallway, they found:  
  • A room with destroyed beds and dressers littered with goblin junk. This appears to have been where workers would have taken rest from the Glassworks, but now it’s been desecrated by all the goblins using it as their den.
  • A room that provided Tsuto his place to sleep and plan the attack against Sandpoint. There are maps strewn all over the floors and walls depicting goblins burning down buildings. Another depicts the cemetery and the Scarnetti mausoleum. Shialu was able to determine some of the graffiti was of Runelord Sinspawn.
  • The final room is Lonjiku Kaijitsu's office. The room is torn to shreds with invoices littering the floor, the safe in the back of the room in the wall is empty. The desk has been chopped to pieces and his ornamental chair lies in pieces. A search conducted in the room will produce a formal letter bond with an ornamental wrapping. Unfortunately, the contents are Longjiku Last Will & Testament where he admits to killing his wife.

Catacombs of Wrath

 The final part of the basement reveals a crumbled wall that was bricked over many years ago. This is the entrance to the infamous smuggling tunnels. The tunnels are dark and are made of stone and dirt that was chiseled out many years ago. It’s about 10’ wide in places with a ceiling around 10 high. As the characters move forward, there is a 5’ wide smaller offshoot tunnel looping back towards the center of Sandpoint.

The cavern is dark, which required Pandereos to use a sunrod and Visuma cast light on her staff. With visibility now established, the same marching order maintained, the heroes ventured into the old smuggling tunnels under standpoint. The tunnels can be seen to be man made and not very well traveled. Gorin led the party for about 10 minutes before finding a tiny tunnel descending into the darkness. Not wanting to take that eerie little tunnel, it was decided to keep moving on in the main tunnel. The tunnel finally ending in a cavern wall. Gorin, using his dwarven heritage and skills, found a hidden latch in the cavern wall. The wall swung outwards revealing the Sandpoint Bay, but was around 50' above the bay in the side of the cliff. Visuma and Pandereos explored it more to discern there was a latch outside for entrance, which would be used by smugglers for entrance with their illicit goods. With the main tunnel explored, it was decided the eerie little tunnel had to be explored. Gorin led the heroes back and started down the tunnel leading further into the unknown. The tunnel descended for about 75' feet to a larger, but older cavern, which the heroes later identified as the Irespan southern garrison from the kingdom of Bakrakhan, the realm of Wrath, which belongs to Thassilon Empire. This realm was ruled by Alaznist.   The heroes advanced in the older cavern, with a huge offshoot opening to the right, as the main cavern continued. Gorin started down the offshoot when the ceiling caved in around them. Pandereos, used his honed skills to expertly leap back into the main tunnel, but Saban and Gorin were trapped inside the offshoot. All hell broke loose with this event as Wrath Sinspawn started attacking Gorin and Saban, while more Wrath Sinspawn emerged from multiple tunnels to attack the remaining heroes.
Saban sprang into action casting Bull's Strength on Gorin as he sounded his battle cry attacking the Wrath Sinspawn with his dwarven axe. Blows were exchanged on both sides, with Saban healing Gorin during the confrontation, that ended in a victorious Gorin standing over the melting Wrath Sinspawn. With the battle over, Gorin and Saban started to dig away at the cave-in, with Gorin using his knowledge to focus on the correct spots. Back in the main tunnel, Visuma and Kek took a defensible position waiting for the Wrath Sinspawn to approach, as Pandereos rushed forward to engage an approaching Wrath Sinspawn from an additional side tunnel. Shialu, started throwing arcane energies at both Wrath Sinspawn, causing pain and anguish. Mordecai began throwing bombs over the front liners, with the Wrath Sinspawn burning in anger. Pandereos darted in and out of combat stabbing with his rapier and slashing with his dagger. Kek had no trouble biting the Wrath Sinspawn, while Visuma unleashed and unknown fury through her quarterstaff. The combined onslaught overwhelmed the Wrath Sinspawn to result in Victory.
With the battle ended, Saban and Gorin emerged from the cave-in to reunite with their fellow adventurers. Saban, looking at everyone, grabbed his holy symbol of Irori to produce healing for everyone injured. Exploration was now needed to see where these additional creatures were emerging. Gorin and Pandereos quickly explored the hallway that ended in a strange room. It was an old store room where the garrison walls were damaged by the Starfall cataclysm, were littered with rubble and broken urns on the floor. A stone door that is magically locked highlights the room with the magic stone that has weathered time to be undamaged. The entire party studied the door, before Pandereos reasoned it was a one way door and they were on the wrong side.
Pandereos wandered to the end of the cavern hallway to find a man made stone wall. This is definitely not natural, with closer inspection revealing no damage over time. There is a 2x2 hole in the floor that looks like it drops for about 20' feet. Pandereos, going back to his trusty marbles, dropped one it to hear it bounce on a stone floor. To his surprise, he heard the sounds of angry gorilla's in the hole. With danger identified, the heroes had a single hallway left to explore.

B3 Irespan Welcome Chamber

Gorin could see a statue inside the chamber, but the lighting seemed to be off. With a sigh, he stepped through the archway and into a large chamber that didn't seem to exist before entering. Strange runes were all over the floor surrounding the statue, which he carefully avoided. Gorin could now perfectly see:  A red marble statue of a strikingly beautiful but, at the same time, monstrously enraged human woman stands in the middle of this room, her stony expression twisted in fury. The woman wears flowing robes, and her long hair is held back from her face by an intricate headdress of hooks and blades. In her left hand she carries a large book, the face of which is inscribed with a seven-pointed star. Her right hand holds a glittering metal-and-ivory ranseur covered in tiny diamonds.”
    Since Gorin couldn't decipher the runes, he reasoned Shialu would be able to use her knowledge of Thassilon Empire. Shialu and Sid reluctantly entered the room and studied the runes. Shialu communicated this was the Irespan Garrison of Runelord Azlantist to battle Runelord Karzoug. Azlanist supported "wrath", while Karzough supported "greed". Both were supremely evil individuals with a thirst for power and dominance. To gain entrance, it would require knowledge from our heroes. Shialu indicated her fellow heroes all needed to enter the chamber before activating the statue. With everyone inside, Shialu approached the statue, Alaznist's eyes become bright red and the statue commands the character to kneel before their queen before entering the Irespan Garrison. Saban and Gorin both stood in defiance, as the rest of the heroes fell to their knees under her will. The statue then required the hero to answer a question to gain entrance, stating to think before answering because her wrath would be swift for failure. (See trivia section at the end of the summary report)

Old Prison

  The heroes, except for Gorin and Visuma, were awarded with a small glyph tattoo on their arms, plus in some cases physical items and character bonuses. With the ordeal completed, Pandereos could hear screams of help from Gorin coming from somewhere down the hole in the cavern hallway. Pandereos judged the eastern door in the room led to the same location that Gorin and Visuma were transported. Pandereos ran and opened the door to see the following:   "This large chamber was obviously once a prison, as testified by the twenty cells that line the room’s perimeter. A rickety wooden platform overlooks the room, with two flights of stairs descending to the prison floor ten feet below. A five-foot-wide wooden walkway runs from the northern edge of the platform to a passageway to the east. Wandering on the floor outside the cells are four large apes, deep-set eyes peer from beneath this great ape’s thick brow as it lumbers forward on its legs and knuckles. Two Wrath Sinspawn Guards on the platform look at you right outside the door."   Gorin and Visuma are in cells with mantacles on their wrists, no armor and no weapons. The cell is 5’x5’ with stone walls and a steel bared entrance. Unfortunately, two large gorillas are attacking the cell gates trying to annihilate Gorin. These gorillas have metal spikes bracers welded on to their arms.   Pandereos, not happy with door #1, quickly ran to the northern door #2 and pulled that open to see a stair case going upwards in the fashion of a long hallway. The rest of the heroes quickly sprang into action to address all the chaos occurring around them. As the door opened, Shialu quickly cast a sleep spell on one of the Wrath Sinspawn, which bought our heroes time to plan tactically. Saban concentrated and produced a glowing fist of Irori in front of himself and Shialu. Mordecai threw a bomb, and ran out of the room. Pandereos, ran over to the hallway and hid to attack anything coming through the doorway. As the Wrathful Sinspawn entered the room, Pandereos poked and sliced the vile creature. Saban launched his fist into it, while Shialu hurled more arcane missiles at it.   The angry gorilla's could be heard rushing up the stairs, while banging against the cell gate of Gorin. Gorin, adrenaline rushing, broke his manicle's, and used it to bang against the gorilla. The cell gate finally gave way as Gorin tried unsuccessfully to produce a Pandereos acrobatic dance. One of the gorilla's sliced into his back as he rushed towards a chest that most likely contained his armor and weapons.   The battle raged upstairs, with Wrathful Sinspawn taking and producing damage. Saban, Shialu, Sid, and Pandereos didn't wither under the assault, but reached down into their inner reserves and produced an all out blitz on the creatures, including a gorilla that had joined the battle. Mordecai, quiet from the battle, could be heard dropping bombs down the prison cell hole, followed by angry grunts from a gorilla. Gorin finally secured his dwarven war axe, made a hellish battle cry, and cleaved into the gorillas. Both gorillas and Gorin were barely standing, when Gorin struck the last blows on them. Mordecai dropped down the hole, took some minor damage, but then picked the cell door easily as he heard a screaming Visuma asking to be released from her cell. During the battles, Visuma summoned rage to break her manacles, but wasn't able to escape her cell door.   Saban called the heroes together when the silence of post battle occurred. Saban grabbed his holy symbol and one again produced healing energies to stabilize those in the party. Some heroes, still bleeding badly, along with spells partially used by our casters, took a deep breath to wonder what else might lie in this hell hole where a being called "The Temptress" lived. The Runelords, long since gone, had left strange and dangerous lairs below Sandpoint.

Rewards Granted

(5) Ransuer's from Wrath Sinspawn

Missions/Quests Completed

The Irespan Garrison (Catacombs of Wrath) have been entered.
Lonjiku Kaijitsu tried to make amends.

Created Content

Trivia Questions

  The rules are as follows
  • A single person must talk to the statue and produce an answer.
  • If the answer is correct, a talisman is produced by the statue for the player to carry
  • If the answer is incorrect, the player to teleported to one of the cells located in prison block.
  • The player can choose categories.
Question (Visuma)
Category: Quick Books
  • Question - 1903: A dog runs with the wolves
  • Answer - What is Call of the Wild?
  • Reward: 100 gp
Question (Pandereos)
Category: World Leaders
  • Question - In 2017, protests and a puppy were among this Russian leaders 65th birthday gifts.
  • Answer - Who is Vladimir Putin?
  • Reward: Gain potion (Gaseous Form)
Question (Shialu)
  Category: Body Language
  • Question - You’ve got to hand it to this tropical tree
  • Answer - What is a palm?
  • Reward: Gain +1 permanent Skill Bonus or Lose
Question (Gorin)
  Category: "A"djectives
  • Question - Done without shifting or thinking.
  • Answer - What is automatic?
  • Pain: Critical Hit must be re-rolled (Single Instance Only)
Question (Saban)
  Category: Carbonation Nation
  • Question - This energy drink wants you to “Unleash the beast”, perhaps with options like M-80 or assault.
  • Answer - What is Monster?
  • Reward: Gain a Free Trait
Question (Mordecai)
Category: Thought For Food
  • Question - A good source of vitamin C and some B vitamins, it’s German for “sour cabbage”
  • Answer - What is sauerkraut?
  • Reward: Gain 10' of movement permanently
Question (Bonus - Visuma)
Category: World History
  • Question - At the battle of Lewes in 1264this king and his son Edward were defeated and captured by Simon de Monfort
  • Answer - Who is Henry III?
  • Pain: Lose +1 to Attribute to Strength
Report Date
02 Jul 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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