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Adventure Summary Session 8

General Summary

Errands and Research

The unnamed band, who are beginning to be known as the heroes of Sandpoint, let loose some steam after the boar hunt.

Pandereos looks for work and love

Pandereos wandered down to the docks, and caught a glimpse of Shayliss following him in the streets. When Pandereos wandered up to the Fat Mans Feedbag, hoping for a chance to talk with Jubrayl , he was greeted at the door by a surly dwarf and a Varisian human mercenary named Luke. An Assignment was given to Pandereos with instructions on making his bones, which only Pandereos is aware of the full contents. The dwarf asked for a specialty ale from the Rusty Dragon Inn, which would grant his name. Pandereos made a side trip to Shayliss and Mr. Vindors house, but it was closed up while the family was running their store. A dagger was placed on Mr. Vinders chair on the front porch with a note stating “I’ll protect you”. Pandereos then headed back to the Rusty Dragon Inn where is compatriots were waiting.

Saban and Mordecai complete research

Saban and Mordecai went to the cathedral to research about the mysterious Dagger Pandereos now carries with him that he obtained from Daviren Hosk. Using their notes of the strange runes and pictures in their head, they approached Father Zantus(Priest) about records that could shed light on this dagger. Father Zantus suggested they visit the archives beneath the cathedral in the catacombs. They were escorted down many levels into a secured part of the cathedral where granted access to a gigantic room full of books and scrolls collected over the years. The archives have existed since Sandpoint was founded many years ago. Saban and Mordecai spent a few hours scouring the archives to find information. They were successful in finding Full Moons Trick. Saban and Mordecai knocked to be let out of the secured archives, thanked Father Zantus for his generosity, and proceeded back to the Rusty Dragon Inn to share their information and formulate a plan to remove this cursed dagger from Pandereos.  

Gorin, Shialu, and Visuma meet Pillbug

Gorin, Visuma, and Shialu decided to see if Aliver “Pillbug” Podiker was back in town. To their delight, they found the Pillbugs apothecary open for business. As the excited party entered the shop, a smell of rot and decay was present in the shop. It was odd since the shop was neatly ordered, with herb lining one wall and potions & oils lining the other wall. The far wall, behind the counter, was the biggest oddity. A large wooden door, inscribed with strange runes, plus many mundane locks, drew their eyes. Shialu, concentrating on the door, could sense the abjuration and conjuration magic emanating from those runes. Just as they were about to investigate further, a nasally and rotund man walked out from a store room. Aliver quietly introduced himself, while asking about possible bodies from the battle of Sandpoint. His curiosity had a big focus on female bodies, which seemed odd and made Visuma & Shialu nervous. The entire conversation disgusted Gorin. As the conversation continued, Visuma produced the Pillbug Receipt found on Rorn, much to the chagrin of Gorin. Aliver indicated he is a business man, and will see his wares to any person walking into his establishment. Visuma and Shialu pressed him on a connection, but Aliver either was a great liar or he didn’t have a connection. Gorin decided to see if he could loosen his tongue by purchasing a potion of Bulls Strength, offered at half price by Aliver. Unfortunately, that just raised more questions on why Aliver would sell at such a discounted rate. Aliver did discuss Nisk Tander while he was wheezing and laughing at the charlatan. Aliver indicated any wares sold there had a tendency to not work when needed. Shialu, Visuma, and Gorin realized the conversation was at an end, plus Shialu was vomiting from the stench within the shop. They all headed back to the Rusty Dragon Inn.  

Interrogation at Sandpoint Prison

As the unnamed heroes of Sandpoint lounged in the sitting area of the Rusty Dragon Inn to exchange information on their efforts, Pandereos showed interest in getting into Pillbugs basement. Saban and Mordecai started to share their findings, but Pandereos grew angry and headed to the bar shouting they were all crazy. The heroes, minus Pandereos, decided the dagger had to be taken before the next full moon at any cost. Mordecai struggled to remember the moon phases, which left the question what damage has been done to Pandereos. Gorin, whether broke or untrusting of Pandereos, called for a group vote on splitting up the troll cave loot. The spoils was divided, but conversation still bantered on selling the rough gems or finding someone to clean them up to increase the value. Pandereos still carried the Handy Haversack and how stable was his frame of mind. Unfortunately, the issue had to be postponed, as a garrison guard arrived to escort them to complete the goblin interrogation. On the way to the garrison, the party admired the half-completed statues in the town square.
  The unnamed heroes were escorted by a town guard to the garrison. They were met in the lobby by Vachedi, the garrison warden. Vadechi indicated Belor was inside his office waiting for them. He quickly pushed the unnamed heroes into the courtyard and pointed to the office door across the courtyard. The courtyard showed signs of being used as an exercise yard, along with wooden shackles for those prisoners requiring discipline. Vadechi locked the door behind them and was surprised to see a goblin standing behind him. The surprise faded quickly as Vadechi escorted a now transformed Shailu to a cell past many other jailed goblins. The goblins within all the cells looked beaten, scared, and showed signs of malnutrition. As Vadechi closed the door, locked it, and walked away Shialu started questioning the goblin. The responses varied below from the frightened goblin:
  • None of the captured goblins can even remember their leader's name, apart from the fact that he was one of “you longshanks” with tan skin and fine clothing.
  • Their leader was on a secret mission to the town's graveyard—that much most goblins can say, but none of them know what that mission was. It was secret, after all!
  • Chief Ripnugget is in love with a “longshanks” with white hair and an angelic face.
  • He’s scared because pretty “longshanks” sacrifices goblins and others to Lamashtu
  • All 5 goblin tribes follow pretty lady.
  • She hates everyone in Sandpoint …. They wronged her
  • “Longshanks” leader is in love with angelic woman

Shialu knew she had limited time for the questioning as the spells duration was fading, but was horrified as Vadechi opened the furthest cell and executed the helpless goblins. Sounds of screaming from the remaining goblins and Shialu we’re now echoing through the garrison. Shialu worked hard to question the goblin, knowing she had to formulate a plan of escape before Vadechi reached the final cell. The heroes in the courtyard, surprised at the screaming, stopped heading to the office and made for the two doors around the courtyard. Mordecai, first to act in the chaos, ran towards a door. The ground in front of the door was trapped, resulting in the floor collapsing, that exposed a 15’ pit with a mean looking snake slithering in it. Mordecai used his extraordinary reflexes to jump back from a pit and warned the others to stop. Gorin ran toward the other door, but encountered an additional pit with a snake. Whether from Mordecai’s warning or battlefield training, he stopped himself from falling into the pit. Visuma tried to burn the door down to gain entrance back into the garrison, but the door was too well constructed, with the flames not damaging the door. Visuma, decided her talents would be better used calming the angry snake at the bottom of the pit.
Pandereos took a deep breath, leaped across the pit to try and open the door, and was somehow able to grab only both door handles. The entire party was amazed at his acrobatic abilities, wondering if this was Pandereos or the dagger giving him the abilities. If it weren’t a battle scene, stories would be written on how Pandereos was able to make that leap. Pandereos, hanging from a door handle, deftly picked the door lock, with skills acquired from a nefarious past. With a door now open, everyone was interrupted by Belor Hemlock coming out of his office shouting for clarity on the situation. Everyone lowered their guard to Belor who promptly shoved Saban into the closest pit. A battle erupted between the unnamed Herero’s and their friend Belor. Gorin, Visuma, Kek, and Mordecai battled Belor in the courtyard, while Saban and Pandereos worked diligently to gain access to the jail. Saban struggled to climb out of the pit, while Pandereos recognized the room was a mess hall for the guards and prisoners. Pandereos sprang to the next locked door, but struggled with the lock because of the screams now being heard deeper within the jail. Now back to the cells, Shialu kept questioning a terrified goblin, while Vadechi was methodically executing the remaining goblins as he methodically opened cell doors. Shialu was unsure if her companions were coming and needed to buy time, so she used her arcane magical abilities to animate a rope while also frightening Vadechi with illusionary images causing him to run away in fear to the furthest end of the cells. Fortunately, Pandereos was able to calm his nerves and picked the lock that blocked access to the cell block. With Saban just climbing out of the pit, Pandereos ran ahead into the cell block. Saban, glancing at the battle behind him, realized his friend had gained the upper hand on Belor, so he ran after Pandereos.
Saban wondered if he would have to incapacitate Pandereos when the dagger took control of his friend. As Pandereos entered, goblin blood was everywhere, which produced an inner battle of wills for Pandereos. Death Bringer, or a.k.a. Full Moons Trick , wanted the blood, but Pandereos wanted to save his friend Shialu. Pandereos won the inner dilemma, and ran after Vadechi to dispatch him. Shialu, seeing Pandereos emerge from the hallway into the cell block, seemed to be ready to attack either Vadechi or Pandereos, especially after learning the eerie details of that dagger’s past from Saban and Mordecai. The battles in the courtyard and cells came to a climax simultaneously, as Mordecai dealt a death blow to Belor, while Pandereos rushed a cowering Vadechi, but was badly pummeled with an earth breaker, by a wild eyed Vadechi. Pandereos crumbled to the ground under the onslaught. Fortunately, shock and awe, greeted the courtyard battle participants, as Belor shimmered before turning into a gray humanoid creature. Still hearing the screams for help and support, the heroes in the courtyard were about to leap the pit, but they were greeted with luck as the real Belor, along with additional town guards. Gorin, taking no time for talk, ran all out to reach the cell block and confront Vadechi. The confrontation didn’t last long, as Gorin quickly dispatched his foe, which also turned into a gray humanoid. Saban, seeing Pandereos bleeding out on the ground, exchanged a glance with Gorin that produced Saban carefully securing the dagger and hiding it before Saban called to Irori  to produce his healing magic that closed Pandereos wounds. Saban and Shialu, recognized these humanoids as Doppelgangers. The creatures exist on a different plane of existence and our used as assassins by arcane casters to eliminate adversaries. And that is where we ended standing in the cell block inside the garrison ……..

Rewards Granted

Loot summary: To be divided 6 ways.
  • 133 gp
  • 23 sp
  • 2cp

Related Reports

The heroes still have quite a few outstanding tasks / appointments left to complete. It's all in Adventure Summary Session 6.


Tharuzall was missing from this adventure.
Report Date
12 Oct 2019
Primary Location

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