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Adventure Summary Session 3

General Summary

Our latest story continues on a sunny morning, following a turbulent night of battle between wolves, hobgoblins, and our merry band of caravan guards. Paul was up early fixing breakfast for the party, still working off all his adrenaline from the night before where he experienced his first battle. The party rose early, recovering from only bumps and bruises, because of the healing completed by Saban. Saban and Shialu went off by themselves to prepare their spells for the day while everyone else enjoyed breakfast. There was unanimous agreement to keep letting Paul cook meals after the poor experience of Visuma’s cooking. The party is still curious about what deity gives Visuma her spell abilities, figuring it must be some Shoanti deity of legend. As breakfast was finished, the party started to debate who should go and explore the cave entrance, since it still might not be safe after the disappearance of Tharuzall. Pandereos, turned away once already from what might lie within, was pushing for a quick decision.
After some debate, it was decided Paul and Ragnor would stay behind to guard the swagger wagon, lumber, and the horses. The party left and approached the door to the cave entrance. Pandereos, once again used his wits and skills to ensure the door wasn’t trapped and unlocked the cave door entrance. The door was opened to reveal a set of roughly hewn rock stairs descending in a circular fashion down into the earth and mountainside. The stairs down weren’t lit, which made it dark and foreboding. Pandereos and Gorin were the most skilled to take the lead down into the darkness, followed closely by Shialu (and Sid), Saban, and last by Visuma (and Kek). To provide light to those not being able to see in the dark, Shialu cast a spell. As the party descended the stone stairway, Pandereos used his wits to disable a trap. Unfortunately, Gorin hit loose stones and slammed into the stone wall, causing the disabled trap to be activated. The stairs became a slide with our party members not enjoying the ride. Visuma and Kek were able to somehow secure themselves from sliding down the stairway, but were trapped. Shialu, Gorin, and Pandereos found themselves inside a pit. To their surprise, lying bound and in the pit was Tharuzall. Once unbound, he explained he remembered guarding the caravan, but then woke up terribly beaten, without armor and weaponless, a few hours ago. Saban found himself alone in another pit. Saban, not able to see in the light, heard movement around him. A noise and movement caused the ground to stir in the pit, which produced a badger. The badger proceeded to attack Saban, before starting to burrow again and appear in the other pit. This time allowed Pandereos time to throw his grappling hook to the top of the pit, where party members began to climb out of the pit. As usual for this party, climbing proved to take time because of their poor lack of skills. Shialu, waiting for others to complete their climb, was viciously attacked, before gaining enough height to be safe. Visuma and Kek, became victims to the stairway slide and ended in the same pit with Saban. This proved fortuitous for Saban, since the badger had become enraged in the other pit and burrowed again to their side. After an intense battle, the entire party was eventually able to be rescued from the pits, where a stone tunnel led further into the mountain.
Before going further into the cave, Shialu sent Sid to retrieve Ragnor. The party slowly traversed the tunnel, searching for more surprises, and found an enchanted door. After some investigation, the door was activated and it spoke a single phrase: “What belongs to you, but others use it more than you?”. Without hesitation for consequences, Pandereos stepped forward and spoke “Your Name”. The door became bright and the opened revealing a large stone room, with an altar to Lamashtu in the center, with torches burning on the walls, and runes on parts of the floor. After some more inspection, the altar could be seen to have a scroll and a Black Divining Rods on it, with a large wooden chest located in the back. Tharuzall rushed inside the room wanting to reclaim his lost items, but was halted at the altar. A scroll curiously raised in the air and spoke a language nobody in the room understood. This caused the animated scroll to attack the entire party, causing deep slices to party members, where additional bleeding occurred after the first successful attack. Shialu, using her arcane knowledge, deduced this would be susceptible to fire and magic, but mundane attacks caused only partial damage. The party acted together to destroy the scroll. Shialu lifted the divining rod, but succumbed to its influence, and quickly fired off a burning hands incantation, which charred a few party members. Shialu, having regained her wits, stored the divining rod carefully in her backpack. The party decided to take stock of the chest contents (see below).  Pandereos went over to a fountain in the alter room and filled his waterskin with a grimy water contained in it. Saban and Visuma, disgusted by this altar, destroyed it before leaving.
After the spoils were divided, the party decided to start moving towards Sandpoint as the day was still young. Everyone took their places on the three wagons, with Visuma once again taking the reins of the lead wagon. The wagons had no trouble on the roads, since the rain had passed a few days ago. Strong winds now blowing helped keep the countryside dry. As the wind was blowing, many of the party members could smell a tint of salt in the air, which provided a sense of nearing Sandpoint. The landscape was turning into small hills covered with tall grass and rolling prairie lands. Quite a few of the party noticed seagulls flying in the air around the countryside. Visuma, Paul, and Saban enjoyed how the road was becoming more traveled as this eased the burden of controlling the horses. Tracks of horses and wagons could be seen on the road. As the late afternoon approached, the first signs of civilization appeared in a man-made stone bridge that came into view. The bridge covered a sprawling river that intersected the road. Lots of trees and a dense forest surrounded the river on both sides, most likely because of the abundance of water for natural growth.
As the wagons began crossing the bridge, an armored half-orc stepped out of the forest raising his hand shouting Stop . Visuma, intrigued by this interruption decided to stop the caravan. The half-orc introduced himself as Rorn. Rorn demanded the wagons and lumber be turned over to him without struggle. If the party agreed, Rorn promised no bloodshed would happen. The party told Rorn to get lost, which resulted in an epic battle! Rorn didn’t come alone, a wild eyed dwarven barbarian, yelling Dank kills, stormed out of the forest to attack everyone. A slender female human sorcerous, named Maron, started throwing arcane spells and destruction at the last wagon. Last, two human Skald crossbow archers hidden in the forest started raining bolts down on the party. In an epic display, Visuma made some strange hand gestures, and the vines along the road came to life and covered the area in front of the wagon. This growth hindered and restrained Rorn and Dank’s movement, effectively limiting their combat effectiveness. This allowed Tharuzall and Pandereos the chance to dismount and enter combat. Ragnor of course, pulled out his bow and began systematically shooting targets. In the last wagon, Gorin was so enchanted with Maron’s beauty, he fell asleep during the battle. Shia and Saban weren’t so impressed with her beauty, and attacked Maron and the hidden crossbow archer. In what seemed like an eternity, the battle was finally ended, with our party victorious over the ambush. The party searched the bodies finding all kinds of items. Paul was reflecting on how impressed he was with everyone’s abilities, but in mid-sentence he jumped in front of Pandereos as a crossbow bolt struck him in the chest. Paul dropped with a thud, took his last breath, and died. A few of the party members were lucky enough to see a well-dressed half-elven man, with an Asian human descent, standing on the top of the hill smiling. He soon disappeared into the forest gone. Saban performed an autopsy on Paul to determine the bolt was coated in a poison called wingfoot. Saban read the note tied on to the bolt: “You have been marked!”. The party mourned the passing of Paul Bunyan.

Rewards Granted

Hobgoblin Cave and Altar

potion of cure moderate wounds - Tharuzall
scrolls of cause fear (3) - Shialu
wand of cure light wounds (35 charges) - Visuma
alchemist’s fire (4) Gorin & Saban
tanglefoot bags (2) - Tharuzall & Pandereos
Small Bag (228 gp)  

Bandit Bridge Attack

Heavy Crossbow (2) - Gorin
Rapiers (2)
Studded Leather (2)
Soothe Syrup (2) - Gorin & Tharuzall
Masterwork Breastplate - Gorin
Masterwork Dwarven War Axe - Gorin
2 gp
Barbarian Chew (4) - Tharuzall
Wand of Sleep 11 Charges - Shialu
Scroll of Shield (2) - Shialu
Potion of Cure Light Wounds - Pandereos
Alchemist Fire (2) - Visuma
Scroll of Disguise (2) - Shialu
Potion of Bulls Strength - Tharuzall
Potion of Enlarge Person - Tharuzall
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds - Gorin
Masterwork Breastplate - Tharuzall
Masterwork Greataxe - Tharuzall
Pouch (124 gp) Javelins (4) Necklace (124 gp)

Missions/Quests Completed

Related Reports

This follows the late night battle against the Is Lamashtu involved with the hobgoblins and goblins and detailed in Adventure Summary Session 2.


All unnamed heroes were present.
Report Date
06 Jun 2019
Primary Location

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