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Adventure Summary Session 7

General Summary

Goblin Squash Stables and Daviren

The sign above this door perpetuates one of the greatest fears of the lowly goblin: being trampled underfoot by a horse. Inside the Goblin Squash Stables are marked by a somewhat grisly display; Daviren Hosk has tacked a personal collection of goblin ears over the entrance to the barn, each bearing the name of the individual. The blood still is dripping off these freshly nailed ears. The party quickly notices that the swagger wagon and draft horses are not inside the stables.

When the party goes into the office looking for Daviren, more ears are display on the ceiling, but these are quite old. The general theme is completed inside, where the remains of goblin Chief Whartus are preserved in a bottle. Daviren has no problem educating the band on the menace to society any goblins are to Golarion. The party is informed that Ragnor left with the swagger wagon plus the draft horses. The swagger wagon contained the chest with both Black Divining Rods and Periapt of Health (Partially Solved). Daviren Hosk loans death bringer to Pandereos for hunting goblins. Pandereos starts acting weird when he touches the dagger to goblin blood. Pandereos doesn't remember licking the blood off the dagger. The band sells 5 goblin ears to Daviren for 5 sp of the body parts collected in the refuse.

Boar Hunt

The band of heroes were invited to a Boar Hunt with Aldern Foxglove as a reward of saving his life. As further thanks, he gifted horses to everyone. Pandereos was gifted a nobles outfit. As the band left Sandpoint for the Tickwood, he made sure to get to know everyone, albeit he was pretty direct and creepy with his questions.
  • Gorin, you have the look to have seen hard battles, tell me about them? Do you keep trophies of your kills?
  • Saban, does everyone deserve redemption? Would you kill children & women in the name of Irori?
  • Pandereos, did you ever live in Magnimar? If I offered you 5,000 gold, would you cut off your hand?
  • Shialu, you have the look of an educated woman. Where did you study? Do you enjoy seeing your victims scream in pain?
  • Visuma, your beauty radiates this forest. I can see you ruling alongside a worthy an equal partner. Would you by chance be open to giving me some of your hair to remember this time together?

The Battle of the Boars and Troll

The band approached finding little piglets grazing in a clearing. Aldern raced ahead to dispatch them, but Gorin and Visuma stopped the senseless slaughter. The band was attacked by the three boar sows protecting their children. In a quick act, Visuma charmed a single sow, while everyone else engaged the remaining two sows. When it looked like a simple battle, the ground started shaking and a large dire boar shambled into the clearing. It looked grim, but again Visuma stepped forward and charmed this large beast. Pandereos caught movement out of the corner of his eye and charged off to meet the new threat. A large and menacing troll surprised him as it shambled forward. It quickly dispatched Pandereos new horse, while Saban threw an explosive fire bead at the troll. Battle raged everywhere, with Aldern down on the field from a sow. Shailu quickly healed Aldern, while Saban heroically called on Irori and channeled healing magic for everyone. Shalelu and Mordecai Thatcher entered the battle to help give aid. With the battle coming to a climax, Kek became victim to the Dire Boar's death attacks. Visuma, using two charges from the cure light wounds wand, and Saban saved Kek with their healing magic. Afterwards, Shalelu introduced herself to the hereos and told them of her findings. Mordecai Thatcher made an introduction to the band. She suggested they all head back to Sandpoint where she will report the same findings to Belor Hemlock and then meet them Rusty Dragon Inn for some drinks and her chance to visit with her good friend Ameiko Kaijitsu. Unfortunately, only a single horse was located after the battle. It was used as a pack horse to handle the 10 days worth of boar rations. The party was able to track the troll back to his cave lair. Once a pit was crossed, the pile of bones, rags, and rotting flesh produced a special bag. It contained gems, a scabbard, and a black pearl. The party found coins dispersed throughout the cave.

Rusty Dragon Inn

On the way back to the Rusty Dragon Inn, they notice statues are being built of them in the cathedral square to commemorate their victory and defending of Sandpoint. The heroes are celebrating the successful boar hunt, when Lonjiku Kaijitsu storms into the inn. He rudely comes and interrupts the conversation asking when Ameiko Kaijitsu will be finished with this nonsense of owning an inn. It was enough she left and adventured with commoners, but now she owns an inn and associates with this rabble daily. It's a disgrace on their family name. He slaps Ameiko, said she is dead to him, and storms out of the inn. Ameiko turns with tears in her eyes, and said you've now met my father Lonjiku Kaijitsu. She indicates her was never this way until her mother was killed and her half-brother, Tsuto Kaijitsu , left after a public confrontation accusing him of murdering their mother. Visuma listens intently about Tsuto before realizing this was the assassin that killed Paul Bunyan. Visuma only discloses this information to the band.

The Band Scatters for the Evening

Rewards Granted

Troll Cave

The following bones, dirt, and decaying clothes located in the back of the cave contained:


35 pp, 405 gp, 455 sp, 1,140 cp  

Handy Haversack - Given to Pandereos

  • [55 gp] milky quartz
  • [55 gp] unworked rose quartz (worth 27 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 12 to repair)
  • [90 gp] unworked chrysoberyl (worth 45 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 15 to repair)
  • [45 gp] sard
  • [11 gp] unworked tigereye (worth 5 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 10 to repair)
  • Pearl of Power (1st level) – pitch black with tiny runes that feels warm to the touch - Given to Shialu

Missions/Quests Completed

The party successfully defeated a menacing troll named Grug. Aldern is even more impressed with the band of heroes.

Character(s) interacted with

Related Reports

There unnamed heroes still have quite a few tasks and quests left unanswered. You can find this in Adventure Summary Session 6.


Tharuzall was missing from this adventure.
Report Date
07 Sep 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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