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Adventure Summary Session 6

General Summary

Our heroes are gathered around a table in the Rusty Dragon Inn pounding free tankards of ale celebrating a victory over the goblin raid

Planning and Next Steps

During the round table discussion, the heroes were approached by many townsfolk, some of which Tharuzall had known, where others were new and paying their tribute to the heroes.

People Giving Thanks

  • Tharuzall was approached by many children asking for autographs and the name of the adventuring party. When no reply was given, they started shouting the Dragons Breath band. I’m not sure, but most of the heroes weren’t impressed with the name. Perhaps a name will be found soon for our heroes.
  • Nisk Tander (Potion Maker) approached the table in a drunken stupor thanking the heroes for saving his life. He looked at Tharuzall and was sad he couldn’t help find Yarbla.
  • Savah Bevaniky approached the table solemn and thankful to everyone who saved her husband's life. He was one of the towns guard defending the north gate during the raid. She offered favorable dealings with the heroes when they come to Savah's Armory.

Ameiko and Bethana served tables, drinking, and singing all evening. Ameiko provided the heroes with free room and board for the next two weeks to show her appreciation of their actions and saving Sandpoint. The attitude throughout the inn was jubilant for some patrons, while others were sober and remembering fallen friends. The theme was consistent, there was a band of unnamed heroes that saved Sandpoint from destruction!

Gorin's Meeting with the Dwarf

Gorin, getting really drunk, noticed a couple of things. The first was a dwarf at the bar staring at him. The second he believed the person who planted the Periapt of Health on him was sitting at a table with two other individuals, which he informed the heroes before approaching the dwarf at the bar. Gorin was introduced to Volioker Briskalberd the town locksmith and wood worker. Briskalberd indicated he recognized a Stout Forge Clan dwarf easily from his days in Janderhoff. He planned to write back to his clan about the bravery Gorin showed in saving the village. With a hearty tankard clink, Briskalberd and Gorin raised many tankards together, discussing the intricate locks Briskalberd installed on the Swagger Wagon and his love of wood working displayed throughout the town.

Pandereo's meeting with the three

Pandereos, feeling no pain, got up and decided to stir the pot by walking over to sit at the table with the mysterious person responsible for the periapt. Pandereos quickly identified himself as one of the heroes who saved their town. Vorvashali Voon , who supposedly planted the periapt, was being pestered by Jubrayl Vhiski about a missing contact named Darsus from Riddleport. The third individual, a surly half-orc named Gorvi, was just glad to have beer fed to him non-stop. Vorvashali inquired to Pandereos if he had seen Darsus on the Old Caravan Road, but was disappointed he hadn’t. He did ask Pandereos to stop by Feathered Serpent sometime for more discussion about possible work opportunities. Pandereos inquired to Jubrayl about possible work, but was snidely rebuffed indicating he needed some more seasoning before he would be qualified. Gorvi laughed, but didn’t make any trouble. Just before getting up from the table, sultry and well-endowed young red-headed Varisian fell into Pandereos, got up and slapped him abruptly for being too forward. Pandereos did notice a note was placed in his coat pocket.

Visuma's meeting with grave digger and acolyte

Visuma noticed a heated conversation occurring between Naffer Vosk and Walda Ambrush. As she approached, she caught part of the conversation of scratching and sounds coming from the graveyard and cathedral crypts. Neither Naffer or Walda continued the conversation when she sat down, but they were very cordial and asked if they could help her in anyway. Visuma indicated a willingness to help with the burials and wounded, but they indicated prayers for their souls would be welcome.

Intellectual Discussion and Table

A third group of intellectuals, Veznutt Parooh , Brodert Quink , and a later to identified Ilsoari Gandethus were having a deep conversation by the fire, but nobody decided to engage with them during the evening.


Bethana, Letters, and Chest

As the night wore on, with the party becoming fully inebriated, Bethana came out carrying all kinds of letters and a chest. She proceeded to hand them out.

Individual Letters

  • She gave a letter and the chest to Visuma. (The letter and chest turned out to be from Aldern Foxglove asking them to attend a Boar Hunt in the afternoon, with a reward of a horse for everyone. The letter wasn’t fully disclosed, but Visuma did blush during the time she was reading it. The chest contained a perfectly measured dragonhide breastplate for Visuma to use.).
  • She gave a letter to Shialu. The contents weren’t disclosed, but Ameiko delivered a reply to Brodert Quink , who failed to acknowledge Shialu during the evening..
  • She gave a letter to Saban . Saban mentioned a rendezvous, but not where and when.

Party Letters

Just as the party decided to break for the evening, someone noticed a young teenager had been staking out the front of a building across the street all evening. Tharuzall rose to confront the youth, but passed out on the floor. Gorin rose to do the same, but drunkenly tripped over his stool. Alas, the youth disappeared into the darkness. With people going their own ways, Shialu, Visuma, and Pandereos wandered outside to walk off the ale, while everyone else turned in for the evening. Ameiko didn’t seem to care that Tharuzall and Gorin were sleeping on the inn floor.  

Late Night Excursions


Pandereos wandered down to the docks with a purpose of finding the beautiful red-head. Thankfully, Pandereos prior life helped him navigate the alleyways and streets to find her location. Pandereos tracked her to a house boat moored on one of the docks. He sauntered up seeing Shayliss Vindor waving discretely in the second story window to not approach. However, with Pandereos mind racing, he came to close before noticing a man sitting near the front door whittling some wood with his dagger. Pandereos engaged in conversation, definitely impressing Ven Vindor with his etiquette and manners, which awarded him directions home and an introduction to his shy daughter Shayliss in the future.

Visuma & Kek

Visuma and Kek decided to explore the graveyard in the late hours. Visuma was very interested in finding out what those sounds were in the graveyard to prevent further bloodshed. As they walked through the streets, there was definitely an air of towns guard patrolling the area along the north wall. At the entrance to the graveyard, they were stopped by the sentries and asked to return in the morning to pay their respects to the dead. The sentries indicated most town guard were too spooked and trigger happy to not prevent an accidental shooting of someone wandering the graveyard at night. With disappointment, but respect, Visuma and Kek headed back to the Rusty Dragon Inn and Goblin Squash Stables.


Shialu didn’t reveal where she intended to go, but was back when everyone awoke in the morning.

Morning and Spoils of War

As everyone ate breakfast and suffered through hangovers, a town guard hauled in quite a few chests. Shialu pulled out her spell book, made some funny gestured, and separated those items that produced magical. She spread of the magical items to study and completely identify their properties. Meanwhile Tharuzall, Gorin, and Ragnor identified some of the alchemical wares and mundane items. The heroes spent a lot of time bickering over the distribution, but at the end everyone was satisfied. The rest of the breakfast conversation centered around planning the morning before the Boar Hunt with Aldern Foxglove.

The Armory

Ragnor planned to get his longbow repaired at Savah's Armory. Ragnor headed off to the blacksmiths shop. He was surprised to see all the armor and weapons on the shelves, but more the deadly cutlass spider construct hidden in them for deterring and sending thieves to their graves. Savah Bevaniky was so taken with the charm of Ragnor, she promised him a new longbow in the afternoon. Happy with the way things played out, he headed back to Rusty Dragon Inn to celebrate.

Lumber Delivery

Saban, Tharuzall, and Gorin started to deliver the lumber. They proceeded to the local Sandpoint Mercantile League headquarters across the street. Upon entering, they were yelled at to remove their shoes, which those wearing them did! The heroes finally met Jasper Korvaski, a worshipper of Abadar, who was finely groomed for a man living in Sandpoint. He asked them to deliver the lumber to the Scarnetti Lumber Mill before payment could be awarded. The three left and drove the wagons over to the mill. They were greeted by an enthusiastic Courrin Whesterwill, who was covered in sawdust, and brow lined with worry and frustration. He validated the delivery and produced a receipt to be given to Jasper, while yelling at his workers to begin removing the lumber and moving it into the sawmill. The wagons and horses were left at the lumber mill. The heroes returned to Jasper, where the binding spell was removed from the heroes, and seven bags of 50 gp were produced. Jasper, happy with the delivery, inquired whether the heroes would be interested in further writs. The heroes indicated they would be staying in Sandpoint for some time and could be reached at the Rusty Dragon Inn.

Goblin Part Hunting

Pandereos plans to secure the goblin parts down at Junkers Beach. Pandereos wandered down to the junker’s beach to find Gorvi and his crew digging holes and at the same time looting the bodies. Pandereos used his quick speech to convince Gorvi to take a break while he harvested some goblin parts. In being so eloquent with his speech, Gorvi gave Pandereos a small obsidian gem for his hard work and promised more ale for him at Rusty Dragon Inn. Pandereos headed back to the inn with his mission accomplished.

Interrogation, Pillbug, & Potions

  • Shialui and Visuma wandered down to the garrison for a meeting with Belor Hemlock . Once entrance was granted, they explained the plan to Belor, who was onboard with it, and loved the ingenuity. Shialu convinced Belor to fund the creation and purchase of an Alter Self scroll. Belor drew up a writ and sent them to the academy to meet with Ilsoari Gandethus to obtain the scroll. The meeting didn’t go well at first, since Ilsoari believed they applying to be new students. Ilsoari was very happy to take any student, even those advanced in years. Once the misunderstanding was resolved, which included meeting a fellow Twilight Academy alumnus, Ilsoari provided the scroll to Shialu.
  • Shialui and Visuma headed to Bottled Solutions to restock the parties supplies of potions. The shop smelled of must and grime, with the shelves cluttered and dusty. Nisk Tander, still feeling thankful, was open to giving a partial discount on potions, but offered a lifetime discount of 35% if they could prove Aliver “Pillbug” Podiker was stealing his business and having him thrown in jail to remove any competition. Shialu and Visuma didn’t agree or disagree to the request, but Nisk was open to giving additional services to either lady, but they passed on that offer.
  • Shialui and Visuma left Bottled Solutions without a purchase and walked down to visit Pillbug's Pantry. Unfortunately, it was closed. Not to be deterred, Visuma started searching the building for windows, even peering through windows, but the curtains hid any sight within. After knocking on the door, the ladies gave up and headed back to Bottled Solutions. Nisk was happy to see them, but disappointed it was only for the potions. He sold Visuma an Enlarge Person potion for 40 gp, but sent them to the Sandpoint Cathedral for any healing potions.

Unfinished Business

Stop at Feathered Serpent & Vorvashali Voon

Gorin, Saban, and Pandereos planned to visit Feathered Serpent with more questions, but time ran out so they decided to go after the Boar Hunt.

Party Funds for Adventuring

Food for thought … especially in regards to party funds. The gold piece total is starting to accumulate for party members. This is usually the time where a group loot fund is established to purchase such items as potions, Shialu scribing additional scrolls (it costs her gold to do it), and members loaning each other gold to enhance their armor, weapons, etc. at shops. (Please handle this between yourselves in email and let me know the solution.)

Specialty Magic Items, Rumors, and Unsolved Plots

  • Please take the time view shops. All the items are updated within those links that are for sale.

Rewards Granted

  • Ragnor was awarded a Masterwork Composite (STR +1) Longbow by Savah Bevaniky
  • Entire party received a bag of containing 77gp, 6 sp, and 2 cp
  • Potion of Cure Lights given to Shialu, Ragnor, and Gorin
  • Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds given to Tharuzall
  • 14 barbed arrows split between Pandereos and Ragnor
  • (4) +1 arrows given to Ragnor

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Belor Hemlock delivered the spoils from the Swallow Tail goblin battle.

Related Reports

The previous adventure can be found at Adventure Summary Session 5.


All members of the unnamed heroes were present.
Report Date
03 Aug 2019
Primary Location

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