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Two Sisters Tavern

Two Sisters Tavern
The main, second, and basement floors of the popular tavern.

The Two Sisters Tavern is one of the many taverns in Palanthas. The Two Sisters Tavern, or simply "Two Sisters" was founded by Bertha and Emma Angaud, both of which eschewed their arranged marriages and used their respective dowries to found the tavern, focusing on local food, good drink, and rousing entertainment.

The tavern has two stories and a basement. On the main level is an open seating area, with about a half dozen semi-private booths and a dozen more open tables. Front and center is dedicated stage area where various acts, from bards, baudy plays, and other performers appear most nights. The back contains a full kitchen as well as two spacious private rooms.

The second level, accessible from stairs on either side of the floor, contains another half dozen open tables, all around a balcony looking down on the first floor stage. The second floor also contains four private rooms, available for reasonable rates.

The tavern also has a basement area containing nine large barrels of ale and mead, several smaller barrels of brandy and whiskey, and dozens of bottles of wine of whatever vintages the tavern is able to acquire. They are always on the look out for new as well as rare wines for their collection.

Durnan Quintrell, a retired mercenary from parts east, settled in Palanthas 30 years ago. At first he took a position as bartender and brewer for the tavern, then as chief sommelier after Emma's age forced her to retire from the position 15 years ago. During his time at the tavern, Durnan took on more and more responsibilities reducing the workload as much as possible on the aging owners.

After the death of Bertha, ten years ago, Emma was ready to retire full time. Durnan had enough money from this mercenary days to buy the tavern from Emma. One of his first decisions as owner, was that the name would never be changed, in honor of its two founders.

During the Blue Lady's War Emma passed away, and with her the last original connection to the tavern.

In addition to Durnan, the tavern employees about a half dozen employees, including several barmaids, cooks, maids, and bussers


The Tavern has little in the way of defenses. Durnan keeps one of his trusty longswords behind the bar which he brings out only in the direst of circumstances. He has arrangements with the City Guard for regular patrols around his tavern, and even a standing agreement with the Tower of High Sorcery in Palanthas should quick repairs be needed.


The Two Sisters is a popular destination with all the locals of Palanthas. The combination of affordable prices, and lively entertainment makes it well regarded place to meet friends, conduct business, and have a general good time.
Durnan - Owner and Bartender  
Alternative Names
Two Sisters
Parent Location

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