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Fafnir - God of Winter, Winds, and the Hunt

Fafnir, the Winter's Breath, The Great Wolf, or Winter Wolf, Lord of Winter, Hunting, Survival, Mountains, and the Wilds; is the true God of Northern Esseas. In most areas of the Free Marches of Kargenras, northern Ondari Dominion and parts of Danothmire, he's more popular than Azyr Fafnir is the embodiment of all things in the north; the ice and snow, the cold winds, the high mountains, and sparse pine forests. In the north he holds dominion over the land much of the year. His followers pray to him to help them survive the struggles of winter, for successful hunts, less snow, safe passage through the many storms, and protection from the many dangerous creatures and folk that often beset those who live in the ice and snow. As many of his followers are from Kargenras, they also value Fafnir as a god of Freedom.


Fafnir most often appears as a powerfully built, old, wizened hunter, covered over in thick furs and bone armour, with long unkempt white hair, and a thick white beard. One half of his scarred face is covered with a tattoo, and his eyes are said to glow with piercing, glowing blue; In his hands he wields a either spear or axe made of jagged dragonbone. At his side are his two great wolf companions, Thengir the Swift and Kargir the Cunning; who they say will appear as agents of Fafnir to aid his followers in their time of desperate need. His imagery is most often that of a wolf's head.

Divine Relationship

Fafnir shares a tense relationship with Azyr, with him strongly in favour of Order, while Fafnir prefer the freedom and chaotic openness of the wild places of the world. Fafnir shares a complementary relationship with Ghyran and Pelor, who he acknowledges as necessary for the survival of his people during the short summer seasons. Fafnir and Ulmo also share a close relationship due to the interconnected nature of the north and seas. Fafnir gets along with Ioun or Waukeen; Fafnnir views knowledge for knowledge sake as waste of time, and that most people are better served by wisdom garnered by experiences in life, and view the accumulation of vast sums of wealth as an unnecessary waste. Fafnir, Auril, Ulmo and the Stormlord make up the most popular gods in Northern, icy half of the continent.

Champions of Fafnir

Alignment: Usually Chaotic, often Neutral or Good
Suggested Classes: Barbarian, fighter, ranger, druid, cleric
Suggested Cleric Domains: Nature, Tempest, War
Suggested Backgrounds: Folk hero, hermit, outlander
Most champions of Fafnir can be found in the north as wandering hunters, fighters, or barbarians. Dedicated followers of his know the value of self-reliance, freedom, and how to survive off the land. They're rugged people, weathered by harsh winters out on the Sea of Cold Silence, in the wintery mountains, or out on the frozen tundra.


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