Estes, God of the Sun Character in The World of Pitesia | World Anvil
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Estes, God of the Sun

The predominant god of the Diagan people, Estes is the God of the Sun and, by association, Light. A golden god of immense stature and presence, it's no wonder that he's so beloved by many. While that love tends to make the god vain and have high expectations of his clergy, people continue to make many offerings to him, especially in the colder months to coax the sun back into their lives.

Divine Domains

Light, Life

Holy Books & Codes

A treasured text written by his followers a long time ago called the Scripture of the Golden One is held at his Citadel of Everlasting Sun in Tretoria.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A shining sun with 5 beams of light shining upward.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace light, but do not fear the dark. Simply illuminate any darkness you see.
  • Live life beautifully. To live frugally is to live miserably.
  • The Sun sustains all life, and the dark produces decay. Stamp out decay where you find it.


The largest of all holidays, and a very important one in Tretoria, is the Celebration of the Celestial Sun, a week long celebration of Estes and his Gifts of the Sun.


Moiere, Goddess of Undeath


Towards Estes, God of the Sun


Estes, God of the Sun


Towards Moiere, Goddess of Undeath



After Moiere plunged the world in darkness with The Swallowing of Pitesia, the two Gods locked in immortal combat with each other. When Estes mortally wounded Moiere but failed to kill her completely, she remained in the Soul Expanse regaining her energy and eventually returning, but with part of her always remaining so long as the Solarus Shard remains in her.

Divine Classification


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